The White House
President George W. Bush
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 2, 2007

Setting the Record Straight: Democrats' SCHIP Bill Repackages Bad Policy
Senate Wastes Time With Partisan Political Statements Instead Of Passing A Bill To Cover Poor Kids First

      In Focus: Health Care

"The Senate passed another SCHIP bill with major flaws, especially its failure to cover poor children first.  Congress has known for weeks that the President would veto this bill. … Like the previous bill, this bill also shifts children with private insurance onto the government rolls, uses taxpayers' dollars to subsidize middle class families, and raises taxes.  It does all this while costing even more over the next five years than the version the President previously vetoed."

- White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, 11/1/07

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) says the White House seems to be "'moving the goal posts,' raising new objections as soon as Congress tried to address each of the president's concerns."  (Robert Pear, "Expecting Presidential Veto, Senate Passes Child Health Measure," The New York Times, 11/2/07)

Democrats' SCHIP Bill Contains The Same Flaws As The Vetoed Legislation

Congressional Democrats refused to meet with Administration officials designated by the President to negotiate on an SCHIP bill that serves poor kids first.  Instead, the House of Representatives made a few adjustments at the margins of the vetoed bill and passed it again.

Like the bill the President vetoed, the bill passed last night by the Senate:

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