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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 16, 2006
Fact Sheet: President Requests $72.4 Billion for the Global War on Terror
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
In Focus: National Security
Today's Presidential Action:
Today, President Bush asked Congress for $72.4 billion to fund the Global War on Terror through FY2006. The President is committed to giving our troops and commanders in the field the resources they need to fight and win the War on Terror. This request provides those resources, helps prepare our Iraqi and Afghan allies' security forces and governments to stand on their own and successfully combat insurgents, promotes democracy, and provides emergency humanitarian relief. The request includes:
Providing the Resources to Win the War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan
Ongoing Military Operations: The President is committed to providing our troops with the resources and equipment they need. The request honors this commitment with more than $38 billion for ongoing military and intelligence requirements in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Supporting an Effective Diplomatic Presence in Iraq and Afghanistan: $1.7 billion for the extraordinary security and operating costs to support U.S. diplomatic activity in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $25.3 million for the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction and the State Department Inspector General to continue oversight activities.
Classified Activities: $2.9 billion for Intelligence Community management and classified military, intelligence, and overseas law enforcement activities.
Ensuring Our Armed Forces Remain Well-Equipped And Organized
Repairing and Replacing Damaged Equipment: $8.3 billion to refurbish or replace equipment worn out or damaged through use in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom; $2.6 billion to improve the protection of our forces by deploying improved vehicle armor, night vision equipment, sensor capabilities, and helicopter-survivability systems; $937 million to field new capabilities that will significantly improve the combat effectiveness of our forces.
Force Restructuring: $3.4 billion to restructure the Army into more agile, self-sustaining units that provide increased combat effectiveness critical to winning the Global War on Terror.
New Resources to Defend Against Improvised Explosive Devices (IED): $1.9 billion to purchase, develop, and sustain technologies critical to defeating the IED threat.
Survivor Benefits and Enhanced Insurance: $1.5 billion for enhanced benefits for all military survivors. It also funds benefits for those injured in combat to ensure their immediate needs are addressed as they recuperate.
Recruiting and Retention: $340 million for bonuses and incentive pay to ensure the Army components and Marine Corps are able to achieve their recruiting and retention missions.
Strengthening Iraqi Self-Reliance: Capacity Building in Security Forces, Government, and the Economy
Preparing Iraqi Security Forces for Independent Operations: $3.7 billion to continue moving the Iraqi security forces toward successful stand-alone operational capacity. Activities include training, equipping, and sustaining personnel and units; providing infrastructure to support forces; and developing the capacity of the Ministries of Defense and Interior to maintain the forces after the U.S. departs.
Countering Insurgents and Strengthening Government: $1.6 billion for programs to support counter-insurgency and stabilization activities and help build civilian capabilities to ensure the transition to greater Iraqi self-reliance. Coupling increased civilian capacity with increased military capacity is essential to sustained progress in all realms - security, political, and economic - and is essential to neutralizing insurgents and defeating the terrorists.
Afghan Self-Reliance: Strengthening Security Forces and Promoting Development
Promoting Democracy and Providing Emergency Humanitarian Relief
Promoting Democracy and Stability in Iran: $75 million to the State Department for increased outreach with new satellite broadcasting and enhanced radio and television broadcasts, and increased democracy promotion, cultural and educational programs, and public diplomacy.
African Relief: More than $500 million for emergency humanitarian and peacekeeping needs in Sudan and the Darfur crisis, including food aid, and $125 million to address other growing food emergencies mainly in Africa, and $24 million to assist refugees including the return of more than 100,000 refugees to Liberia.
Pakistan Earthquake: $126 million for humanitarian relief and reconstruction efforts following the devastating earthquake in Pakistan.
Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP): $423 million to continue the successful programs in Iraq and Afghanistan that enable U.S. military commanders to respond to urgent, small-scale humanitarian relief and reconstruction needs in their area of responsibility.
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