The White House President George W. Bush |
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 30, 2005
Nominations Sent to the Senate
John O. Agwunobi, of Florida, to be an Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, vice Eve Slater, resigned.
James Cain, of North Carolina, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Denmark.
Keith E. Eastin, of Texas, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army, vice Mario P. Fiori, resigned.
A. J. Eggenberger, of Montana, to be a Member of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board for a term expiring October 18, 2008. (Reappointment).
Terrell Halaska, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary for Legislation and Congressional Affairs, Department of Education, vice Karen Johnson, resigned.
Karen P. Hughes, of Texas, to be Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, with the rank of Ambassador, vice Charlotte L. Beers, resigned.
Kim Kendrick, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, vice Carolyn Y. Peoples.
Robert M. Kimmitt, of Virginia, to be Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, vice Samuel W. Bodman, resigned.
Ronald E. Meisburg, of Virginia, to be General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board for a term of four years, vice Arthur F. Rosenfeld, term expired.
Robert A. Mosbacher, of Texas, to be President of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, vice Peter S. Watson.
Julie L. Myers, of Kansas, to be an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, vice Michael J. Garcia.
Patrick M. O'Brien, of Minnesota, to be Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing, Department of the Treasury. (New Position).
Peter Schaumber, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2010. (Reappointment).
Kristen Silverberg, of Texas, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (International Organization Affairs), vice Kim R. Holmes, resigned.
Ronald E. Meisburg, of Virginia, to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2008, vice Rene Acosta, resigned, which was sent to the Senate on January 24, 2005.
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