The White House
President George W. Bush
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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
January 14, 2005

Strengthening Higher Education for a Successful Workforce
Fact Sheet

Today’s Presidential Action

Background on Today’s Presidential Action

Many low- and middle-income students across America rely upon both Pell Grants and student loans to afford a quality, postsecondary education. Although the President’s budgets continue to provide significant levels of student aid, more funding is needed for Pell Grants to make college more affordable for the neediest students. In addition, the current student loan programs do not make loans available to students in a cost effective manner, and a disproportionate amount of benefits are provided to borrowers out of school rather than those currently attending school. The current Federal student aid system does not serve American students well, and is not the best way to use taxpayer money.

Helping More Students with Increased Pell Grants

The President’s Current Initiatives to Improve Higher Education and Job Training

Eighty percent of the fastest-growing jobs of the 21st century require post-secondary education or training. The President’s higher education and job training proposals make the system more user-friendly – more oriented to the needs of today’s students – and ensure students have access to programs that will provide the skills needed in the globally competitive 21st century economy.

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