The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
January 21, 2005

Majority of Iraqis Likely to Vote in Jan. 30 Elections
Fact of the Day

     Fact sheet en EspaƱol

Iraqis are likely to vote in their Jan. 30th elections, according to an International Republican Institute poll released yesterday. Over 80 percent of Iraqis polled are either very likely or somewhat likely to vote. Confidence that the balloting will be secret is high, with 70 percent very confident or somewhat confident in secrecy of the vote. Close to 75 percent of Iraqis polled had received accurate official materials regarding voter registration , and more than 80 percent have read or heard about the elections in the media. Iraq will be prepared to hold elections, say nearly 75 percent of the respondents. Iraqis continue to be optimistic about the future of their country as they approach their first democratic elections.

Source: International Republican Institute

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