The White House
President George W. Bush
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For Immediate Release
November 10, 2004

Global Message

From a statement by Iraqi Interim Prime Minister Allawi, 11/9/04

Prime Minister Allawi calls again on armed insurgents and the terrorists to lay down their weapons.

A peaceful settlement in Fallujah remains possible, and the rest of Fallujah can still be spared from military confrontation.

The Iraqi Security Forces and Iraqi police force remain ready to enter peacefully and take control of the city, provided that the insurgents and terrorists lay down their arms.

Prime Minister Allawi has repeatedly said that political outreach will continue throughout the current conflict. He is determined to bring all groups into the political process, to build a solid democracy in Iraq.

It is clear that with the exception of a few extremists, the Iraqi people are fully behind the interim government's efforts to restore law and order, and to build the necessary security to hold elections in Iraq.

These groups aspire to use terrorism, division, and instability and the interim government is determined to protect the Iraqi people, and to build freedom and democracy in Iraq.

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