For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 22, 2004
Fact Sheet: America’s Teachers: Fulfilling the Promise of No Child Left Behind
High-quality education is fundamental to achieving the American Dream. In 2001, President Bush called for significant reforms to K-12 education through the No Child Left Behind Act to set high standards and produce real results for every child in America. The President signed the No Child Left Behind Act into law to ensure that all students become proficient in reading and math and to close the achievement gap that exists between students of different socio-economic backgrounds. President Bush has requested unprecedented funding increases for education with his overall Fiscal Year 2005 budget which represents a 49% funding increase for elementary and secondary education since FY 2001.
America's great teachers are fulfilling the promise of No Child
Left Behind, and regardless of the challenges faced, are improving
student achievement across the Nation. In an era of increasing
standards and accountability in education, teacher quality and teacher
training are more important than ever. Recent studies offer compelling
evidence that the quality of a teacher is one of the most critical
components of how well students perform.
Great teachers deserve America's thanks, praise, and
acknowledgement of success. It is essential, however, to student
achievement to have fair data evaluating teacher effectiveness and to
reward these effective teachers. Further, the Federal government will
partner with states and school districts and encourage investment in
high- quality teachers.
Incentives for Effective Teachers
President Bush understands and
appreciates the hard work of our Nation's teachers. As part of his new
education proposals, President Bush proposed a $500 million Teacher
Incentive Fund for states and school districts that choose to reward
effective teachers. This Teacher Incentive Fund would provide a $5,000
award to approximately 100,000 teachers across the country.
The President's Teacher Incentive Fund will:
Reward teachers and schools making great progress in closing the
achievement gap that exists between students of different
socio-economic backgrounds. States would receive funding to design and
implement rewards for schools and teachers that have made the most
significant progress in meeting adequate yearly progress and closing
the achievement gap under No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
Reward effective teachers who are successful at raising student
achievement and producing real results for all children. School
districts would be able to design programs to individually and fairly
assess and reward teachers based on growth in student achievement in
the classroom.
Provide incentives for the most effective teachers who choose to
teach in low-income schools. Grants could also be used to give
stipends to effective teachers who agree to teach in low-income
schools, which will assist states in carrying out the NCLB requirement
to ensure that low-income and minority students are taught by highly
qualified teachers.
These grants will not only give states and districts a way to
reward effective teachers, but states and districts could also use this
information to identify particular strengths and weaknesses and provide
the appropriate professional development in needed areas.
President Bush's Strong Support for America's Teachers
well-prepared teacher is vitally important to a child's education, and
No Child Left Behind helps ensure that students are taught by highly
qualified teachers. NCLB requires states to develop a plan that will
ensure that all teachers of core academic subjects are highly qualified
by the end of the 2005-06 school year. The President's FY 2005 budget
includes more than $5 billion in funding to support teachers -- an
increase of 61% since 2001.
President Bush supports teachers with programs that provide
financial relief to those in the classroom.
- Loan Forgiveness for Teachers. President Bush has proposed
expanded loan forgiveness, from $5,000 to $17,500, for highly
qualified math, science, and special education teachers who teach in
low-income schools. The President's FY 2005 budget includes $227
million in loan forgiveness for math, science, and special education
teachers in low-income schools.
Expanded Tax Relief for Teachers. As a result of the President's
tax relief package signed into law in 2002, teachers were able to
take a $250 tax deduction for out-of-pocket expenses in the classroom
in the 2002 and 2003 tax years. The President's FY 2005 budget
proposes to make this deduction permanent and to increase the deduction
to $400.
Innovative Pathways to Teaching. President Bush has provided
unprecedented support for innovative programs to recruit new teachers
into the teaching profession, including the Troops to Teachers program
with $14.9 million in funding in the President's FY 2005 budget,
Transition to Teaching Program with $45.3 million in funding in FY
2005, and Teach for America with $4 million in funding in FY 2005.
President Bush supports teachers by providing them with tools they
need to better serve students in the classroom and to use
research-based practices to improve academic achievement.
Funding for Teacher Training. No Child Left Behind provides
billions of dollars in funding for teacher training and gives
teachers the skills and knowledge they need in the classroom to raise
student achievement, including:
- Improving Teacher Quality. No Child Left Behind makes Title
II Teacher Quality funds available specifically to support teachers and
improve teaching and learning. Title II Teacher Quality funding gives
states and school districts the flexibility to improve teacher quality
through recruitment, hiring, training, and retention activities.
President Bush has requested $2.9 billion in funding in Fiscal Year
2005, a 39 percent increase in funding since 2001.
- Teacher Training to Put Reading First. President Bush has
also provided substantial funding for the Reading First program, with
funding increasing from $286 million in FY 2001 to a proposed level of
$1 billion in FY 2005. School districts are using this funding to
implement proven, scientifically-based reading programs to have all
students reading on grade level by the end of the third grade. Much of
this Reading First funding goes for teacher training. So far, over
75,000 teachers across the country have been trained to use proven
reading practices.
- Well-trained Teachers for Advanced Placement. President Bush
has proposed a $28 million increase for the Advanced Placement program
authorized in the No Child Left Behind Act, bringing spending to nearly
$52 million per year. The increase in funding will help ensure that
teachers in low-income schools are well-trained to teach Advanced
Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. The
President's support for Advanced Placement programs will not only
encourage the growth of AP and IB courses, but also serve as a
mechanism for upgrading the entire high school curriculum for all
Strengthening Instruction with the Adjunct Teacher Corps. The
President has proposed a new $40 million initiative to create the
Adjunct Teacher Corps. The Adjunct Teacher Corps provides
opportunities for professionals to teach middle and high school courses
in the core academic subjects, particularly in mathematics and science,
by providing competitive grants for school district partnerships with
public-private institutions. Many school districts need personnel to
strengthen instruction in middle and high schools in the core academic
subjects, especially mathematics and science. The Adjunct Teacher Corps
would help alleviate this critical situation by bringing professionals
with subject-matter knowledge and experience into the classroom.
On-line Resources for Teachers. The U.S. Department of Education
sponsors the Web site It includes links to
information on improving teaching and learning from many successful
state and district initiatives around the Nation, along with other
information specifically designed for classroom teachers.