The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 14, 2004

President's Remarks to the Press Pool
Leon's Frozen Custard
Oshkosh, Wisconsin

2:50 P.M. CDT

Q Mr. President, your reaction to the crowds and the towns?

THE PRESIDENT: Very, very warm and very hospitable reaction. A lot of people coming out -- for which I'm grateful.

Q What did you get?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Vanilla custard. It's highly recommended. I'm recommending vanilla for Hillman.

Q You are dripping, you need a napkin.

THE PRESIDENT: I'm going to get one in a minute. Would you like some?

Q No, thanks.

THE PRESIDENT: I'm trying to get you a little national publicity.

Q I think I've got all I need. (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: I enjoyed talking to you, girls. Enjoyed talking to you. Thank you.

All right, let's go back to work.

Q First a candy store and now ice cream, sir?

THE PRESIDENT: I'm loading up, carbo-loading for the weekend. (Laughter.)

END 2:51 P.M. CDT

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