The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
January 22, 2004

Fact Sheet

The State of the Union

January 20, 2004

In his State of the Union address, President Bush discussed the serious challenges facing our Nation and the steps we must take to make America a more secure, more prosperous, and more hopeful country. The President recognized that, over the last three years, America has come together to overcome great challenges, and he underscored his faith and confidence in the American people and our Nation's future. Now the choice is clear - to move forward on the path to freedom and prosperity, or to turn back.

President Bush laid out ambitious goals for the future, behind which all Americans can unite, and urged the Nation to move forward with the work that still needs to be done this year:

  1. Making America Safer with Decisive Action to Win the War on Terror
  2. Keeping America on Track for a More Prosperous Future
  3. Strengthening Health Care for Millions of Americans
  4. Building a Better and More Compassionate America for All

Making America Safer with Decisive Action to Win the War on Terror

America is safer today because of the decisive action and leadership of President Bush. Although there has not been a successful attack on our homeland in 28 months, the President will not allow the nation to return to a sense of false security and complacency. He called for continued action at home and abroad to defeat the terrorists and pursuit of a forward strategy of freedom to promote democracy throughout the Middle East.

Keeping America on Track for a More Prosperous Future

The last three years have revealed the fundamental strengths of America's economy. Despite the unprecedented economic shocks of recession, the September 11 attacks, corporate scandals, and war, America's economy is on track for recovery and sustained job creation.

Helping Americans Access High-Demand Jobs: America's economy is growing, but it is also changing due to higher productivity and new technology. It is more important than ever that Americans have the education and training needed to succeed. The No Child Left Behind Act is bringing important reforms to America's schools by insisting on standards and accountability for results. There are substantial resources available to implement these reforms, and President Bush will fight any effort to undo them.

Sustaining Economic Growth: To help sustain America's economic recovery, President Bush called on Congress to protect employers from junk lawsuits, ensure an affordable and reliable supply of energy, and give younger workers an opportunity to set aside a portion of their Social Security taxes in personal retirement accounts. He also called for a reduction in burdensome and needless Federal regulations on employers. He also underscored his commitment to fiscal responsibility by announcing that his FY 2005 budget will hold discretionary spending growth to less than 4%, keeping America on track to cut the deficit in half in five years. And, he asked Congress to reform our immigration laws to reflect America's values while benefiting our economy.

Strengthening Health Care for Millions of Americans:

President Bush urged Congress to extend the benefits of modern medicine throughout our country and take action to help control the rising costs of medical care and give more Americans access to health insurance.

Strengthening Medicare: Just last month, President Bush signed legislation to strengthen Medicare and add a prescription drug benefit, keeping a commitment to seniors to help them afford the medicines they need.

Increasing Health Care Affordability and Coverage: President Bush is concerned about the rising cost of health care and helping Americans to afford health care coverage that best meets their needs. The President rejects the notion of a government-run health care system as some have proposed. He outlined a series of steps for making health insurance more affordable and accessible, including:

Building a Better and More Compassionate America for All

President Bush described the state of our Union as confident and strong and urged all Americans to move forward and complete the important work ahead.

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