For Immediate Release
August 24, 2006
November 20, 2002
Global Message
The NATO Summit in Prague, Czech Republic will advance two key
objectives. First, we will expand the alliance, furthering the vision
of a Europe whole, free, and at peace. Second, we will move forward in
transforming NATO to meet the new common threats of the 21st century.
The NATO Alliance faces dangers very different from those it
was formed to confront. Yet never has our need for collective defense
been more urgent. For terrorists and terror states, every free nation
is a potential target - including the free nations of Europe.
NATO members are working to transform their forces to meet new
threats and to increase the ability of our forces to work together.
Last week, Saddam Hussein accepted UN inspections. The world
has heard such pledges before - and seen them violated by systematic
deception. We have now called an end to that game. Delay and defiance
will invite the severest consequences.
Our goal is to secure the peace, through the comprehensive and
verified disarmament of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
Voluntarily or by force, that goal will be achieved.
The hopes of all mankind depend upon the unity and courage of
the great democracies. In this hour of challenge, NATO will do what it
has done before: We will stand firm against the enemies of freedom, and
we will prevail.
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