For Immediate Release
July 16, 2006
October 7, 2002
Global Message
Leaders from both parties and both houses of Congress are
rallying around a resolution on Iraq that shows to friend and enemy
alike our unity of purpose and resolve.
Congress is quickly closing ranks behind the President, and
soon America will be speaking with one voice in confronting a gathering
threat to America and the future of peace around the world.
The treacherous history of Iraq's dictator is to wage war
against neighbors, sponsor and support terrorists, and develop and use
weapons of mass death.
We know the methods of this regime. They buy time with hollow
promises and move incriminating evidence to stay ahead of inspectors.
The United States will work with other nations to bring Saddam
to account, help the Iraqi people form a just government and a unified
country, and should force be required, help rebuild a liberated Iraq.
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