The White House President George W. Bush |
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For Immediate Release
March 28, 2003
Global Message
The United States, the United Kingdom and our Coalition partners are acting together in a noble purpose to make the world more peaceful, to make all free nations of the world more secure, and to free the Iraqi people.
Coalition troops are sharing the duties and the sacrifices of this war. Together, Coalition forces are advancing in steady progress against the enemy. Slowly, but surely, the grip of terror around the throats of the Iraqi people is being loosened.
We're now engaging the dictator's most hardened and most desperate units. The campaign ahead will demand further courage and require further sacrifice. Yet we know the outcome: Iraq will be disarmed; the Iraqi regime will be ended; and the long-suffering Iraqi people will be free.
Our coalition will stand with the citizens of Iraq in the challenges ahead. We are prepared to deliver humanitarian aid on a large scale. As we address the immediate suffering of the Iraqi people, we're also committed to helping them over the long-term. Iraq's greatest long-term need is a representative government that protects the rights of all Iraqis - chosen by the Iraqi people, not imposed by outsiders.
History requires more of our coalition than a defeat of a terrible danger. There is opportunity to bring renewed hope and progress to the entire Middle East. Last June, the United States outlined a vision of two states, Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security. Soon, we will release the road map designed to help turn that vision into reality.
In decades of oppression, the Iraqi regime has sought to instill the habits of fear in the daily lives of millions. Soon, the Iraqis will have the confidence of a free people. Coalition members are combining the power of our nations to the cause of justice. Our alliance is strong, our resolve is firm, and our mission will be achieved.