The White House
President George W. Bush
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For Immediate Release
October 18, 2002

Global Message


  • The Iraqi regime is a serious and growing threat to peace. This regime is armed with biological and chemical weapons, possesses ballistic missiles, promotes international terror and seeks nuclear weapons.

  • Every nation that shares in the benefits of peace also shares in the duty of defending peace. The time has come once again for the UN to live up to the purposes of its founding to protect our common security.

  • For 11 years, the Iraqi regime has become highly skilled in the techniques of deception and has frustrated the work of international inspectors. The regime is free to continue saying whatever it chooses; its fate depends entirely on what it actually does.
  • America has never sought to dominate or conquer, but to liberate. Our desire is to help Iraqi citizens find the blessings of liberty within their own culture and their own traditions.
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