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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 4, 2001
3:40 P.M. EDT
MR. FLEISCHER: Good afternoon. Before I begin the briefing, I just want to, for
a few brief moments, introduce you to Secretary of Health and Human Services
Tommy Thompson, and Dr. Scott Lillibridge, also of the Department of Health and
Human Services, formerly of the Centers for Disease Control. They want to just
share a little information to follow up an announcement that was made earlier
today by officials in the state of Florida, at a news conference that concluded
just a little time ago.
Secretary Thompson.
SECRETARY THOMPSON: Thank you very much, Ari. And let me, as Ari indicated, just
bring you up to date with the information that we have concerning the
incident that took place in the state of Florida, and also following up on
the information that the state of Florida has released within the last hour.
The Centers for Disease Control has just confirmed the diagnosis of anthrax
in a patient in a Florida hospital. Based on what we know at this point, it
appears it is an isolated case.
I want to make sure that everybody understands that anthrax is not contagious
and is not communicable, which means it does not spread from person to person.
If it is caught early enough, it can be prevented and treated with antibiotics.
The Centers for Disease Control has a ready supply, and if our investigation
shows anyone else needs treatment, they will be notified and treated.
Our public health reporting system worked in a very timely fashion, as I
indicated in my testimony yesterday. Florida public health officials promptly
notified their state health department, who then notified the Centers for
Disease Control and the FBI. And officials are aggressively investigating the
individual's schedule for the last two weeks and the source of the infection.
I want everybody to understand that sporadic cases of anthrax do occur in the
United States. The most recent one was within the past year in the state of
Texas. And there was a case in Florida in 1974. The last reported case that we
know of was within the last year -- was earlier in Texas.
The rapid identification of this case in Florida certainly may be a result of
the heightened level of disease monitoring being done by the public health and
medical community. This is the disease monitoring system in action and it is
working. People need to understand that our public health system is on
heightened alert, so we may have more public reports of what appears to be
isolated cases. We will be responding very aggressively.
But I want to point out once again that this is an isolated case, and it's not
Q Mr. Secretary, given what we know, is there any reason to believe this is a
result of terrorism?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: It appears that this is just an isolated case. There's no
evidence of terrorism -- at this --
Q Mr. Secretary, do we know if this particular individual had contact with raw
wool? Was he a gardener, working in the ground?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: We have the FBI and we have dispatched, as I said yesterday
in the testimony, as soon as we heard anything suspicious, we have our CDC
officials there, on the ground. And they are going to go through -- the last
couple weeks, go to the restaurants. He traveled to North Carolina. We've also
dispatched people from CDC to North Carolina, to the communities that he was
there. We're checking with his neighbors. We're investigating with the FBI all
known places and all the things that he might have ingested.
Q Mr. Secretary, what are some of the sources that could cause such an
SECRETARY THOMPSON: That's why the doctor is here.
And do you want to answer that?
DR. LILLIBRIDGE: Sure. Sporadic cases may occur from contact with wool, animal
products, hides, that sort of thing. And occasionally we don't know the context
of these. These are sporadic, episodic things that happen from time to time.
Q But how sporadic? You just named two cases last year in Texas and then Florida
in 1974. That's two --
SECRETARY THOMPSON: They're very rare. It's very rare.
Q So this is the third since 1974?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: We don't know that, but this is a confirmed, and at this
point in time, it's an isolated case. And there is no other indications anybody
else has got anthrax.
Q Do you know if he happened to work around wool or any of the products that
might have --
SECRETARY THOMPSON: We don't know that at this point in time. That's entirely
possible. We do know that he drank water out of a stream when he was traveling
to North Carolina last week. But as far as wool or other things, it's entirely
possible. We haven't got all of the investigations done. And we're doing a
tremendous extensive job of investigating everything.
Q How did you find out about it? Did he go into the hospital --
SECRETARY THOMPSON: He went to the hospital. He went into the hospital on the
first of October, and is still in the hospital. And they took a test, and just
the way the system works -- it went up through the state laboratory. It went up
to the state health department, who contacted us, and they confirmed anthrax,
and we reconfirmed it through our CDC --
Q Do you automatically test for anthrax, or how did they make the distinction?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: Well, we sent in the sample, and luckily there was -- not
luckily, but that's the way it works, the system works. And this individual that
was at the health department has just been educated at the CDC department in
Q Mr. Secretary, do we know, was this inhalation anthrax? Was this fellow a
SECRETARY THOMPSON: It appears at this point in time it's inhalation.
Q Do you know if he was a hunter?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: We don't know that. We know he was an outdoorsman, so it's
entirely possible that he was --
Q Mr. Secretary, can you tell us the city, or the town in Florida?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: It was near Palm Beach. He actually lived in -- it's right
here --
Q While you're looking, could you tell us his age and --
SECRETARY THOMPSON: Sixty-three years of age, and he was of British descent, and
Q What's the prognosis? Will he recover?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: That, I can't tell you. He's from Lantana, Florida.
Q What are you advising the public health officials in that area and citizens in
that area to do?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: We are advising everybody to, if they have severe
respiratory ailments, to go see their doctor.
Q What are the symptoms that he's presented?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: We also have all of our EIS, our CDC people, that need to be
there investigating, they're going to go to all the hospitals and emergency
wards, and check everything out.
Q What kind of symptoms should people look for? What symptoms did he present?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: It's severe respiratory -- upper respiratory problems that
you would have.
Q Mr. Secretary, are you reevaluating whether civilians should try to start
taking anthrax medication? And would there be enough available to even have
enough --
SECRETARY THOMPSON: There's enough available. We have an ample supply and I want
everybody to know that -- we have plenty of supply, and we have enough
antibiotics to treat 2 million people for 60 days. And we have also contacted
the pharmaceutical companies, not just today, but have throughout our planning
process, and there is plenty of supply available. So people should not go out
and do anything different than what they're doing. This is an isolated case, and
it's not contagious.
Q Mr. Secretary, how likely is it that there have been other anthrax cases in
the past year, say, that just simply haven't been diagnosed?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: It's entirely possible.
Q Possible or likely or --
SECRETARY THOMPSON: Would you say it's probable?
DR. LILLIBRIDGE: It's possible. As you heighten surveillance, you'll get more.
Q Could we just ask one other question? When was the last documented case of
anthrax in North Carolina? Could you check that?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: I don't -- well, we certainly will be checking all of that
and getting information out as it goes on.
Q Mr. Secretary, can you be certain that it's an isolated case?
Q Can you explain why he was drinking from a stream? (Laughter.) Is that a
reason -- should we know that? Why are you giving us that detail?
SECRETARY THOMPSON: Just because he was an outdoorsman, and there is a
possibility that -- there are all kinds of possibilities --
Q Can you contract it that way, is why she's asking -- can you contract anthrax
by drinking unboiled water --
SECRETARY THOMPSON: We don't know yet.
Q Is he a British citizen, sir?
MR. FLEISCHER: Thank you.
MR. FLEISCHER: Any additional information will be made available by either the
CDC or the HHS.
Q We need the doctor's name.
MR. FLEISCHER: Oh, I'm sorry. That was Dr. Scott Lillibridge.
Q Could you tell us if he was a British citizen? Because he said he was of
British descent.
MR. FLEISCHER: Don't have that, Connie. All right. Let me let you know about the
President's day today.
Q Is he an MD or PhD?
MR. FLEISCHER: I'd have to look that up. I couldn't tell you. You may want to
just check with HHS.
Q Ari, just one follow on that? The President was briefed -- can you tell us who
briefed the President about this, and when?
MR. FLEISCHER: Let me -- I'm going to give you information about the President's
day, and then I'll be happy to take your questions. I want to begin with a
statement by the President, and this pertains to the plane crash into the Black
This is a statement by the President: I was deeply saddened to learn today of
the crash of a Siberian Airlines passenger aircraft, flying from Tel Aviv to
Novosibirsk. My heartfelt sympathies and those of the American people are with
the people of Israel and Russia, and the families of the many victims of this
Earlier today, the President spoke with the
Emir of Bahrain on the phone. That
was early this morning. The President and the Emir discussed the campaign
against terrorism and the situation throughout the region. The Emir expressed
his sympathy and condolences for the victims of the attack on our country on
September 11th, and the President thanked the Emir for his strong support and
help in the campaign, and in hosting U.S. forces, including headquarters for the
5th Fleet, which is located in Bahrain.
The President also this morning spoke with President Kwasniewski of Poland. It
was a warm phone call and the President thanked the Polish President for
Poland's cooperation in the campaign against terrorism, and for Poland's support
of the American people. The support includes political support, including
working with other Central and East European nations, information-sharing,
working on financial control of terrorists' assets, as well.
The President noted that now, more than ever, we must work together for the
goals of what President Bush discussed in his speech in Warsaw on June 15th, a
Europe whole, free and at peace. That is essential to meeting the challenges of
the 21st century.
Following that, as you know, the President traveled to the State Department to
announce a new package of humanitarian aid for the people of Afghanistan. He had
a lunch meeting with various members of Congress to discuss working together
with Congress on vital issues in the domestic agenda. He also went to the Department of Labor where he announced a new package of assistance for
dislocated American workers.
And the President, later this afternoon, will be meeting with the Emir of Qatar
to discuss the strong cooperation that we have received from our good friend in
the region, and to reaffirm the strong U.S.-Qatar relations.
And that is my update for the day. I'd be happy to take your questions.
Q Ari, does the President believe that the crash of the Russian airliner was an
MR. FLEISCHER: John, we are in the process of working with officials in the
appropriate nations to ascertain all information that is available, but it's too
soon to say. There are no conclusions that have been reached.
Q Has he talked to Putin about this yet?
MR. FLEISCHER: The President has not, no.
Q The British government today released a 20-page document outlining some of the
evidence against bin Laden. Is there any reason that the British government
released this kind of report as opposed to the United States government? And
there was some suggestion from Secretary Powell at one point that the government
might or might not. Why is this coming out of the British government?
MR. FLEISCHER: I don't speak for other governments; I can't give you an answer
to that.
Q Did we review it? Did we have an early copy of it?
MR. FLEISCHER: I don't know the answer to that question.
Q Was the White House aware that the British government was going to release
this evidence?
MR. FLEISCHER: I know the first I heard of it was when it was on its web page.
So I don't know the answer to that question.
Q Did the President or anybody have a problem with that being released?
MR. FLEISCHER: Again, I don't --
Q You went to great lengths not to --
MR. FLEISCHER: As far as I understand it, the document does not contain any
classified information. It's a good, strong look back at the activities that
have been done by the al Qaeda organization, Osama bin Laden.
Q It does include new information. It does include information that's not been
in the public --
Q Going back to the anthrax, yes -- was the President, he's obviously been
informed. When was he informed, who informed him? Can you give us some of those
details on that?
MR. FLEISCHER: The President was informed this morning, and it was part of his
-- I think he may have been informed by Dr. Rice.
Q Yes, Ari. Is there any plan now for the United States to release a document
similar to the one released by the British? And if they're releasing a document
that they say was cleared by the U.S., why aren't we releasing one?
MR. FLEISCHER: I'm not aware of that statement that they say it was cleared by
the U.S. I just indicated that I don't have any information on that topic.
Q Do you have any information that the U.S. is planning to release a similar
MR. FLEISCHER: There is no change in anything I've indicated to you previously
about the United States' dissemination of information about this.
Q Okay. And on the other point, of evidence, apparently we are now sharing
evidence with Pakistan. I thought earlier indications were that the U.S. thought
it wasn't necessary to share any information with Pakistan.
MR. FLEISCHER: I'm not sure where you were led to that conclusion. As I've
indicated many times here, the United States will continue to talk with its
allies and share information as we consult.
Q Evidence?
MR. FLEISCHER: A lot of information.
Q Ari, speaking of Pakistan, does the U.S. think it's good for the Pakistanis to
continue to have at least diplomatic relations with the Taliban, or would the
U.S. prefer that country to sever ties?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, prior to this, as evidence of how oppressive the Taliban
regime is, only three nations in the world had relations. Two of those three
have now severed ties. Pakistan, as a free nation, does as it sees fit.
Q Is the administration, though, I mean, is it sort of feeling that at some
point, to totally alienate the Taliban, that the Pakistanis should sever ties
with --
MR. FLEISCHER: I have no comment beyond that.
Q Ari, any particular reason why Secretary Thompson made the announcement here
instead of at HHS?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the reason is, he actually was here for another meeting,
and so there was a practicality to it as well. But it's important to share
information with the American people, and that's what you can expect. I think
one of the things, as the President has said, as the nation goes through all the
effects of everything from September 11th is, keep the public informed. And
we've talked about this before -- the best way for our nation to win this war is
through the forthright sharing of information. And that's important.
Q Well, in that spirit, can you share the evidence against bin Laden?
MR. FLEISCHER: In addition to the steps that Secretary Thompson outlined
specifically, from public health officials in Florida, is the administration
taking any actions elsewhere in the country, within the military, that you can
share to deal with a possible anthrax outbreak?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, first of all, I would be careful on your words when you say
"outbreak," --
Q I said "possible."
MR. FLEISCHER: -- because this is, as the Secretary just said, it appears to be
an isolated case, which is exactly what the officials on the ground, the health
officials in Florida who briefed the Florida press about this matter earlier
today said.
But the Department of HHS has for years, as you heard Secretary Thompson say,
has been working on preparation plans, and those plans include a training of
local officials, and the Secretary just alluded to that, as well. So there are a
series of protections that have been put into place.
Q Do you know of any specific threats concerning this kind of potential
terrorist activity that the country has received?
MR. FLEISCHER: Nothing specifically that I'm aware of.
Q Just one more question on the anthrax. When Dr. Rice informed the President,
did she know at the time that this was an isolated incident, or was it still
cause for alarm several hours ago?
MR. FLEISCHER: That was the first report; and as always with first reports, you
collect information to ascertain as fully as you can and as quickly as you can
all the facts. And you just heard them from the Secretary.
Q When was the government able to determine that it was an isolated incident? An
hour ago, 15 minutes ago?
MR. FLEISCHER: That information would be a question you need to address to the
CDC to see precisely when they would make that determination.
Q Just for clarification then, when Dr. Rice informed the President, the
administration was not aware that this could -- was just an -- or appeared to be
just an isolated case?
MR. FLEISCHER: Again, all the facts as they were being developed were shared at
various points throughout the day. So it's impossible to put an exact timetable
on what information was developed when. It was shared over the course of the
morning and into the afternoon.
Q Ari, can you give us some more details on this $320 million in aid? How is the
food going to get into the right hands? How are you going to make sure it
doesn't fall into the hands of the Taliban, et cetera?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, unfortunately, there is a history of working to get food to
people who live in repressive regimes. And there is always a concern to make
certain that the food is kept out of the hands of the Taliban who will deny it
to their people, while getting it to the people who were suffering. And in this
case, the United States government will work with world food programs, with the
United Nations, to get food into the regions where it can do the most good.
Q Is the idea here to, aside from feeding the people, to win the hearts and
minds of Afghans who might be willing to abandon the Taliban?
MR. FLEISCHER: Two points on that. One, the purpose is to feed people who are
hungry. There is a grave humanitarian crisis shaping up in Afghanistan as a
result of the actions of the Taliban. And as the President said in his remarks
at the State Department, one of the great things about our nation that enables
us to win wars and to be such a good people is that our nation has a good heart.
And you're seeing that put into place when we help feed the people of
But even before September 11th, the United States was Afghanistan's largest
supplier of food, because it's the right thing to do, and it's the humanitarian
thing to do. So the United States has always made that distinction between the
people of Afghanistan and the Taliban regime.
Q You apparently now, judging from Dr. Rice's remarks, U.S. does, in fact,
embrace a notion first mentioned by Tony Blair to go in and do something in a
major way to help build and develop Afghanistan to end hunger and that sort of
thing, once the chips fall where they may on whatever happens in the near
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, to repeat what I've said many times, the United States is
not engaged in nation-building in Afghanistan, but the United States will help
those who seek a peaceful, economically-developing Afghanistan that's free from
Q On the stimulus package, does the President believe that the $60 billion to
$75 billion should be split evenly between corporate and individual as Senator
Daschle and others have recommended, for it? And also in setting these
parameters, does the President believe that House Leader Dick Armey's suggestion
a $150-billion tax cut package would adversely affect the economy and increase
long-term rates?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the President has already established his range. And so you
know where the President stands. And the President is going to work with
Congress to find the right mix and the right balance so that enough goes to
stimulate investment on the demand side by getting it into the hands of
consumers, while also providing enough to get in the hands of corporations and
businesses that stimulates investment so they can keep their workers employed.
Q An unrelated question. On the U.S. package, would the President like to give a
holiday for payroll taxes as a way of increasing the economy?
MR. FLEISCHER: The idea of a rebate is one of the ideas that is under
consideration. And the President will take a good look at that.
Q Is he inclined to be in favor --
MR. FLEISCHER: I think it's too soon to say what the ultimate shape of this
package is going to be. The President announced the parameters yesterday; he
gave the three principles about stimulating consumers, helping to provide
incentives for businesses, as well as the placement of aid for displaced
workers. So he's going to work with Congress on a series of things that fit that
Q Ari, Secretary Ashcroft today said he was disappointed with the grandfather
clause. He claims that the terrorism battle is going to take longer than the
time the Congress wants to put --
MR. FLEISCHER: By the grandfather clause, I presume you're referring to the
House antiterrorism bill that includes a sunset. Well, the President shares that
concern. It is entirely possible, if not likely, that this war against terrorism
is going to last beyond the sunset. And it's important that policymakers have a
realistic understanding of what this different type of war will involve, and how
long it will require giving the law enforcement agencies the tools they need so
we can prevent further attacks on the country.
Q Will he get involved with the Congress in trying to increase the time or
changing --
MR. FLEISCHER: I just made clear the President's position.
Q Can you spell out why the administration opposes notification of a court after
grand jury information is shared with intelligence agencies? Why does the
administration oppose the notification --
MR. FLEISCHER: I'm going to refer you to Justice particularly on that. That's a
matter much more legal than I can entertain.
Q Ari, Daschle says the worker assistance plan that the President announced
today is not enough. Is this a limit, or is this just sort of a first step that
the President is taking in terms of worker assistance?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, this is the President's proposal. This is what the
President believes is the best way to help workers get back on their feet and to
help them as they go through any of the effects of unemployment, including loss
of health care, since the attacks.
Q So he's open to other proposals, possibly, and maybe spending some more money,
as well?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, as always, he will work with the Congress. But this is the
President's proposal; this is what he calling on the Congress to pass. The
President has announced that he believes it's important to extend unemployment
benefits for 13 weeks, and to provide $3 billion worth of national emergency
grants through the states so people can get health care, so they can get
job-training. The President believes this is the best solution.
And also, the President said one thing that's very important, when he said it's
important also that people in Congress don't start inventing or designing new
systems, new-fangled notions. There are a series of existing protections that
need to be beefed up, that need to be lengthened. But the existing provisions on
the books have proved before capable of doing the job to help people who have
lost their livelihood. And the President is confident they will do so again.
He also thinks it would be a mistake if people try to engage in a whole series
of new government programs, new creations, while there are a series of existing
ones that need to be strengthened.
Q Can I follow that?
Q Along those lines, is the President concerned about what the legislative
process might do to any stimulus package, and of course, whether or not it can
be done in three or four weeks?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, I think everybody in Congress has said that they would like
to get it done in that type of time frame. Congress typically adjourns sometime
in the fall, and so the President will, obviously, work with the Congress. That
is our system. But make no mistake; the President feels strongly about what the
best package is.
Q Ari, are you saying this package the President put forward today should
satisfy Democratic concerns about laid-off workers, and that therefore, the
airline security bill should go forward without any further holdup?
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the President does think that the question of how to help
people who have lost their jobs is best considered in the context of a stimulus
bill and it should not be part or bogged down in an otherwise important aviation
Q So this should reassure Democrats that the President is going to be faithful
in addressing that thing so that the airport security should go ahead --
MR. FLEISCHER: Jim, I think the substance of what the President's proposing
speaks for itself, that it's very important to help people who have lost their
jobs so they can have an extended period of unemployment at a time like this.
People who have lost their jobs, they right away get concerned about their
health care, and the President is addressing that by providing $3 billion worth
of grants so that people can get their COBRA coverage paid for.
But there's also a tendency at times, too, done by both parties, to turn
everything into a Christmas tree and to start funding everything for everybody
in all times and for all reasons. And throughout this, it's always important to
protect taxpayer money while bringing help to those in need.
Q -- any indication the Democrats are satisfied by this in the first instance?
MR. FLEISCHER: The President announced just an hour or two ago, so I think it's
important to let the Democrats think.
Q Democrats are saying -- they're saying it's a good first step, but one problem
they have is the unemployment benefits. They could settle with just additional
13 weeks, but they're concerned about all 50 states. So what would the
President's plan do for a worker not in a state that is hardest hit, but who is
laid off because of the effects of the September 11th attack? That's the
question they have.
MR. FLEISCHER: Well, obviously, the focus of the package is on those states that
are impacted the most, and that's where there is the greatest amount of
unemployment as a result of this.
But keep in mind, of course, you're talking about an additional 13 weeks on top
of an existing 26 weeks -- that's half a year, that's six months. So it's also
premature on some of those questions.
Q Let me ask you a couple of questions about the asset-freezing. Why were the
Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad missing from your list of suspected
MR. FLEISCHER: They're already covered on existing lists.
Q And have the Saudis complied with your request to freeze assets of 27 people
and organizations?
MR. FLEISCHER: You'd have to talk to Treasury specifically for a case-by-case on
all the various people that have been mentioned in the President's executive
order from the Rose Garden. But suffice it to say the administration and the
President are very satisfied with the cooperation of Saudi Arabia.
Q The other list that the Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are on, does it
crack down as hard as the list that the President put out today?
MR. FLEISCHER: When you say, "crack down as hard," that's a hard distinction to
make. I think the question is, is it effective.
Q Does it, for example, go after the banks that don't comply?
MR. FLEISCHER: I'd have to check that out, Ron. Talk to Treasury.
Q Going back to the Afghan relief a little bit. One way to feed Afghan refugees
is via military aircraft of humanitarian Meals Ready to Eat, or MREs. Is the
President in favor of doing that? Also, possibly setting up tent cities or other
refugee camps in neighboring states, staffed perhaps by the military and other
MR. FLEISCHER: At this point, I'm not going to comment on some of the questions
about means of delivery into Afghanistan. Obviously, anything involving that
information could be misused by people who might hear what I say. So I'm going
to be careful about how I indicate food aid is going to be brought into the
people of Afghanistan.
Q The House leadership, the GOP leadership is coming over to meet with the
President. Can you tell us what that meeting is about? Is it a follow-up to
their meeting earlier with Mineta? And where is the President now on
federalizing airline security?
MR. FLEISCHER: This is a follow-on to a whole year-long series of meetings that
the President is going to continue to have with members of Congress. He's having
a group down tonight; he had a group over for lunch today. As you know, he met
with the four leaders yesterday. He's going to continue to have different
members of Congress down to talk to them -- that's how you make progress on many
of these issues that you're asking me about. Will Congress agree, will Congress
have other ideas -- the way you get Congress to agree is to listen to their
ideas and bring people together.
Q And airline security personnel, is the President more open to that idea now?
MR. FLEISCHER: On the federalization question? The concerns of the President
remain about putting all screeners on the federal payroll. And let me give you a
for instance about one of the items of the President's concern, and that is, as
you know, when somebody is put as a member of the federal civil service, it's
virtually impossible to ever take any type of action or disciplinary action if
their work is not up to standards. And the President thinks it's very important
that in the case of the screeners and the workers, that the managers have the
ability to make certain that their work is up to all relevant standards and can
take disciplinary action if appropriate or if necessary.
So there are a host of issues that can involve diminishment of safety, as people
are put on the federal payroll. And these are types of things that need to be
worked out with the Congress.
Q But is the President willing to compromise on that, if that's what it takes to
get the airline security --
MR. FLEISCHER: I'm not going to -- let's just see what develops on the Hill.
Q Ari, in view of --
MR. FLEISCHER: Only two today, Les. (Laughter.)
Q In view of the President's gratitude to the many Americans who donated blood
for the wounded at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, what is the White
House reaction to the Harvard Crimson news report quoting a Harvard
undergraduate organization leader named Clifford Alexander's email to all
members, "On the Red Cross form you will be asked, are you a man who has had
sexual contact with another man since 1973. This applies to many of you. You
should lie." Since the AIDS tainted blood donations also killed Arthur Ashe,
surely the White House deplores this statement urging such lying, don't you, Ari?
MR. FLEISCHER: Les, I'm not familiar with that report.
Q I've got it right here. You can read this --
MR. FLEISCHER: You can keep it.
Q Right there. It's on the net. If this is true --
MR. FLEISCHER: Do you have a follow-up?
Q Yes, I do, but if it's true, you deplore it, don't you, Ari?
MR. FLEISCHER: What's your next question, Les?
Q Last Saturday night at the Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner, CNS
reports that they videotaped President Clinton being confronted, interrupted and
shouted out by a member of ACT-UP who said Mr. Clinton was a liar, responsible
for his lover's death because Clinton never launched a Manhattan Project to
conquer AIDS. Does the President -- the President doesn't agree with this charge
against his predecessor, does he? And he deplores such behavior, doesn't he?
MR. FLEISCHER: I'm also not familiar with that report.
Q Ari, after the statements President Bush made yesterday about the possibility
of a Palestinian state, does he intend to speak to Yasser Arafat? I don't think
he's had a conversation with him since he became President.
MR. FLEISCHER: As always, we keep you informed of all of the discussions that
the President has, or wherever I can, with foreign leaders.
Q Back on humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. How can you work through the U.N.
food program and other NGOs when most of those organizations, if not all, have
pulled their people out of Afghanistan? Reports from the region indicate there's
nobody left. How do we work through those programs?
MR. FLEISCHER: I think USAID, the Agency for International Development, and the
State Department addressed many of those questions in the briefing they provided
earlier today. So I want to refer you to that. They're the experts.
Thank you.
THE PRESS: Thank you.
4:12 P.M. EDT