The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 2, 2001

Remarks by the President in Photo Opportunity with New Jersey Gubernatorial Candidate Bret Schundler
The Oval Office

2:35 P.M. EDT

     THE PRESIDENT:  Mr. Mayor, congratulations.  The Vice President and I are so honored you and Lynn came to the Oval Office.  It gives us a chance to, one, congratulate you on winning the primary and congratulate you on being a great reformer in Jersey City.  I don't think people understand, but that's a city with six percent Republicans, and yet, he continues to win overwhelmingly because he's got great ideas.  And we look forward to helping you become the governor of New Jersey.

     I think you and I share something in common:  We're always underestimated.  And a lot of people didn't think I'd be sitting here.  Of course, a lot of people didn't think you would be sitting here, either. And so, I appreciate your record.

     I'm intrigued by the idea of eliminating the toll booth in New Jersey. I think the working people in New Jersey are going to really appreciate that idea, and when you couple that with your strong vision of education reform, I think you've got a good chance of winning.                                  * * * * *

     THE PRESIDENT:  You're going to win.  (Laughter.)  We're glad to have you.

     Q    How do you feel, Mr. Vice President?

     THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Very good.

     Q    Are you sore?

     THE VICE PRESIDENT:  A little tender, still.  It will pass.

     Q    Are you taking any painkillers or anything?


     Q    Mr. President, did you talk to your brother about --

     THE PRESIDENT:  We were thinking about doing some jumping jacks before you came in, but --

     Q    Go right ahead.  (Laughter.)

     Q    Did you ask your brother about oil and gas leases, Mr. President?

     THE PRESIDENT:  What?

     Q    Have you had a chance to talk to your brother about oil and gas leaks, as they were announced today?

     Q    Are you going to campaign for him?  Make any stops?      THE PRESIDENT:  What?

     Q    Are you going to campaign in New Jersey for him?

     THE PRESIDENT:  That's what we're going to discuss, how we can help him.  We'd like to help him in any way we can.  We want him to win.                          END                 2:38 P.M. EDT

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