The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 2, 2001

Remarks by the President in Meeting with Leadership of National Service Organizations
The Roosevelt Room

Listen to the President's Remarks

11:04 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Thank you all for coming. Laura and I are so honored to welcome leaders from five of the largest service organizations in our country -- the Lions, Rotarians, Optimists, Kiwanis, Big Brothers and Big Sisters.

First, thank you all for coming and thank you for your service to the country. We've had a discussion that will really help change the country, I think, and that is all five organizations have agreed to join in urging their members to mentor a child.

We've set a goal amongst us to recruit 1 million mentors to provide love and comfort to the children around America. I can't think of a more noble goal for the organizations here. So I want to thank you all very much for your commitment to America, for your love of the country. Please thank your members for their commitment, as well.

For others around the country who are wondering how best to help a neighbor in need, I strongly urge them to think about joining one of these service clubs, a club whose sole existence is to help make America a better place. And so, I know there are some in our country that say what can I do to help. Well, here is five good opportunities.

One of the things you do when you run for office, you get to go to service club lunches all around our country. (Laughter.) And I will tell you, some of the most meaningful lunches as a gubernatorial candidate, for example, in Texas was at service clubs in rural Texas or in urban Texas. I was able to meet a lot of really good, fine folks.

America is strong because of our people. America is strong because of the compassion of our citizens. And I believe we can meet the goal of a million mentors, so that everybody in America feels the great promise of our country and so that not one child is left behind.

Thank you all for coming.

Q Who has the toughest schedule today, Mr. President? You or the Vice President?

THE PRESIDENT: The Vice President is feeling great. I had a meeting with him. At Camp David I was asked whether or not he would be at work on Monday. I said I was confident he would be there at 8:00 a.m. sharp, during our national security briefing -- and there he was. He looks great; his spirits are high. He is such a good example for Americans who may share the same condition he has, and that is to listen to your body, to take precautionary measures, and to be active. And he's active, and he's -- we were all thrilled to see how good he looked this morning.

Q Are you worried about him at all, Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: No, I'm not worried about him. I'm not worried about him. He's doing great.

END 11:07 A.M. EDT

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