USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG00 Farm Storage Facility Loan Program STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/20/2000 COMPLETED: 01/05/2001 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG35 Wool, Mohair, and Apples STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/12/2001 COMPLETED: 02/23/2001 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG34 Dairy, Honey, and Cranberry Market Loss Assistance and Sugar Programs STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/12/2001 COMPLETED: 02/27/2001 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG32 Livestock Assistance, American Indian Livestock Feed, Pasture Recovery, and Dairy Price Support Programs STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/13/2001 COMPLETED: 02/27/2001 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG36 2000 Crop Disaster Program -- 7 CFR Part 1480 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/02/2001 COMPLETED: 03/15/2001 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG48 Sugar Payment-in-Kind (PIK) Diversion Program STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/09/2001 COMPLETED: 09/10/2001 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-NRCS RIN: 0578-AA27 Categorical Minimal Effects Exemption; Wetland Conservation -- 7 CFR Part 12 STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/01/2000 COMPLETED: 02/05/2001 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AC60 Nutrition Labeling of Ground or Chopped Meat and Poultry Products and Single-Ingredient Products, USDA STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 05/25/2000 COMPLETED: 01/05/2001 Consistent with change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AC46 Performance Standards for the Production of Processed Meat and Poultry Products STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/11/2001 COMPLETED: 01/18/2001 Consistent with change
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AC46 Performance Standards for the Production of Processed Meat and Poultry Products STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 02/02/2001 COMPLETED: 02/16/2001 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AC39 Food Stamp Program: Personal Responsibility Provisions of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/10/2000 COMPLETED: 01/08/2001 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AC45 Work Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and Food Stamp Provisions of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/06/2000 COMPLETED: 02/02/2001 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FS RIN: 0596-AB77 Special Areas; Roadless Area Conservation -- 36 CFR Part 294 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/01/2000 COMPLETED: 01/05/2001 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AO82 Emergency Rule to Implement Stellar Sea Lion Protection Measures and 2001 Harvest Specifications for the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Fisheries STAGE: EMERGENCY RULE RECEIVED: 01/12/2001 COMPLETED: 01/16/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AO07 Annual Framework Adjustment (Framework 14) for the Atlantic Sea Scallap Fishery Management Plan for Fishing Year 2001 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/16/2001 COMPLETED: 04/25/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AP17 Endangered and Threatened Species; Governing Take of Four Threatened Evolutionarily Significant Units of West Coast Salmonids: California Central Valley Spring-Run Chinook; (NPRM) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 06/29/2001 COMPLETED: 08/08/2001 Consistent with change
DOC-NTIA RIN: 0660-AA14 Mandatory Reimbursement Rules for Relocation of Federal Spectrum STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 12/07/2000 COMPLETED: 01/10/2001 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA62 TRICARE; Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) Implements NDAA for FY2001 and Pharmacy Benefits Program STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/14/2000 COMPLETED: 01/25/2001 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA66 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS); Establishing Eligibility and Payment Procedures for CHAMPUS Beneficiaries Age 65 and Over STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 05/22/2001 COMPLETED: 07/25/2001 Consistent with change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA67 Energy Efficiency Standards for Clothes Washers STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/08/2000 COMPLETED: 01/02/2001 Consistent with change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA76 Energy Efficiency Standards for Water Heaters STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/08/2000 COMPLETED: 01/09/2001 Consistent with change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA77 Energy Efficiency Standards for Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/18/2000 COMPLETED: 01/17/2001 Consistent with change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA77 Energy Efficiency Standards for Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/02/2001 COMPLETED: 07/18/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA97 Safety Reporting Requirements for Human Drug and Biological Products STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 10/24/2000 COMPLETED: 02/01/2001 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AB88 Current Good Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Dietary Ingredients and Dietary Supplements STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/08/2000 COMPLETED: 02/01/2001 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA43 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP); Procedures for the Safe and Sanitary Processing and Importing of Juice STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/14/2000 COMPLETED: 01/10/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AC14 Control of Salmonella Enteriditis in Shell Eggs During Production and At Retail STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/16/2001 COMPLETED: 02/01/2001 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AB88 Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing Packing or Holding Dietary Ingredients and Dietary Supplements STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/28/2001 COMPLETED: 12/19/2001 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-NIH RIN: 0925-AA27 National Institutes of Health Pediatric Research Loan Repayment Program STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 07/23/2001 COMPLETED: 08/28/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-NIH RIN: 0925-AA29 National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Program for Clinical Researchers STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 07/23/2001 COMPLETED: 08/28/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-SAMHSA RIN: 0930-AA07 Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 07/16/2001 COMPLETED: 08/06/2001 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AJ75 State Child Health; Implementing Regulations for the State Children's Health Insurance Programs STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/29/2000 COMPLETED: 01/04/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK22 Medicaid Program: Change in Application of Federal Financial Participation Limits STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/15/2000 COMPLETED: 01/04/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK12 Revision to Medicaid Upper Payment Limit Requirements for Inpatient Hospital Services, Nursing Facility Services, Intermediate Care Facility Services for the Mentally Retarded etc STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/21/2000 COMPLETED: 01/04/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI70 Medicaid Program: Medicaid Managed Care STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/22/2000 COMPLETED: 01/12/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK48 Medicare Program: Improvements to the Medicare+Choice Appeals and Grievance Procedures -- HCFA-4024-P STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/08/2001 COMPLETED: 01/17/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK89 Modification of the Medicaid Upper Payment Limit Transition Period for Inpatient and Outpatient Hospital Services, Nursing Facility Services, Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally... STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/27/2001 COMPLETED: 03/29/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK74 Medicare Program: Provisions of the Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000; Inpatient Payments and Rates and Costs of Graudate Medical Education STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/18/2001 COMPLETED: 06/08/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK47 Medicare Program: Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Update -- HCFA-1163-P STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 04/24/2001 COMPLETED: 05/03/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK73 Medicare Programs: Changes to the Hospital Inpatients Prospective Payment System for Fiscal Year 2002 Rates -- HCFA-1158-P STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 04/24/2001 COMPLETED: 04/27/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK56 Medicare Program: 5-Year Review of Work Relative Value Units Under the Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Notice -- HCFA-1170-PN STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 04/24/2001 COMPLETED: 06/01/2001 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK51 Medicare Program: Update to the Prospective Payment Systems for Home Health Agencies for FY 2002 -- HCFA-1147-NC STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 04/24/2001 COMPLETED: 06/25/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK57 Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 2002 -- CMS-1169-P STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/16/2001 COMPLETED: 07/24/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK47 Medicare Program; Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities-Update -- HCFA-1163-P0 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/24/2001 COMPLETED: 07/24/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AJ55 Medicare Program; Prospective Payment System for Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital Services -- HCFA-1069-F STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/24/2001 COMPLETED: 07/27/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK73 Medicare Program; Changes to the Hospital Inpatients Prospective Payment Systems and Rates and Costs of Graduate Medical Education for Fiscal Year 2002 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/24/2001 COMPLETED: 07/24/2001 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK54 Medicare Program; Changes to the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Calendar Year 2002 Payment Rates STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/06/2001 COMPLETED: 08/17/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK96 Medicaid Program; Medicaid Managaed Care -- HCFA-2104-P STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/10/2001 COMPLETED: 08/13/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK89 Modification of the Medicaid Upper Payment Limit Transition Period for Inpatient, Outpatient Hospitals, Nursing Facilities, ICF/MR, and Clinic Services -- HCFA-2100-P STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/14/2001 COMPLETED: 08/30/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK91 Medicaid Program: State Allotments for Payment of Medicare Part B Premiums for Qualifying Individuals: Federal Fiscal Year 2001 -- CMS-2087-PN STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 10/01/2001 COMPLETED: 12/20/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-ZA19 Medicare Program: Inpatient Hospital Deductible and Hospital and Extended Care Services Coinsurance Amounts for 2002 -- CMS-8011-N STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 10/01/2001 COMPLETED: 10/18/2001 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-ZA24 Medicare Program: Monthly Actuarial Rates and Monthly Supplementary Medical Insurance Premium Rate Beginning January 1, 2002 -- CMS-8010-N STAGE: Notice RECEIVED: 10/01/2001 COMPLETED: 10/18/2001 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK57 Medicare Program: Revisions to Payment Policies and 5-Year Review of and Adjustments to the Relative Value Units Under the Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar Year 2002 -- CMS-1169-P STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/25/2001 COMPLETED: 10/25/2001 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK54 Medicare Program: Propsective Payment System for Hospital Outpatient Services for Calendar Year 2002 and a Pro Rata Reduction on Transitional Pass-Through Payments -- CMS-1159-F STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/26/2001 COMPLETED: 10/30/2001 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL05 Medicaid Program Modification of the Medicaid Upper Payment Limit for Non-State, Government-Owned or -Operated Hospitals -- CMS-2134-P STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/06/2001 COMPLETED: 11/07/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AF38 Boating Infrastructure Grant Program STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/21/2000 COMPLETED: 01/05/2001 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH79 Migratory Bird Hunting; Proposed 2001-2002 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations (Preliminary) With Requests for Indian Tribal Proposals STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 04/23/2001 COMPLETED: 04/30/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH79 Migratory Bird Hunting; Final Frameworks for Early-Season Migratory Bird Hunting STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 08/14/2001 COMPLETED: 08/15/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH79 Migratory Bird Hunting: Proposed 2001-2002 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Late Season STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 09/20/2001 COMPLETED: 09/21/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-LA RIN: 1105-AA79 September 11 Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/19/2001 COMPLETED: 12/19/2001 Emergency case
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AF61 Adjustment of Certain Fees of the Immigration Examinations Fee Account STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 04/11/2001 COMPLETED: 07/20/2001 Consistent with change
DOL-ESA RIN: 1215-AB32 Claims for Compensation Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act -- 20 CFR Parts 1 and 30 STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 05/03/2001 COMPLETED: 05/18/2001 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AB24 Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/05/2000 COMPLETED: 01/05/2001 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AA65 Safety Standards for Steel Erection STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) RECEIVED: 12/29/2000 COMPLETED: 01/08/2001 Consistent with change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AD06 Procedures for Compensation of Air Carriers_(Emergency Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/18/2001 COMPLETED: 10/23/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOT-TSA RIN: 2110-AA01 Imposition and Collection of Passenger Civil Aviation Security Fees in the Wake of September 11, 2001 STAGE: EMERGENCY RECEIVED: 12/22/2001 COMPLETED: 12/26/2001 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AG10 Tank Level or Pressure Monitoring Devices STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/28/2001 COMPLETED: 09/25/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AG51 Screening of Checked Baggage on Flights Within the United States STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 06/14/2001 COMPLETED: 09/17/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AH54 Criminal History Background Checks (Emergency Rule) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/19/2001 COMPLETED: 11/19/2001 Emergency case
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AH38 Safety Incentive Grants for Use of Seat Belts; Allocations Based on State Seat Belt Use Rates STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/30/2000 COMPLETED: 02/02/2001 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AH38 Safety Incentive Grants for Use of Seat Belts; Allocations Based on State Seat Belt Use Rates STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/09/2001 COMPLETED: 03/13/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI35 Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard, Model Year 2003 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/28/2001 COMPLETED: 03/29/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI33 Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/05/2001 COMPLETED: 07/23/2001 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI10 Advanced Air Bags: Response to Petitions Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Occupant Crash Protection STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/07/2001 COMPLETED: 12/05/2001 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI68 Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Stadand Model Year 2004 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 11/29/2001 COMPLETED: 12/12/2001 Withdrawn by agency
VA RIN: 2900-AK08 Payment or Reimbursement for Emergency Treatment Furnished at Non-VA Facilities STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/24/2000 COMPLETED: 02/01/2001 Withdrawn by agency
VA RIN: 2900-AK63 Disease Associated with Exposure to Certain Herbicide Agents: Type 2 Diabetes STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 12/11/2000 COMPLETED: 01/05/2001 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AK64 Diseases Specific to Radiation-Exposed Veterans STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/21/2001 COMPLETED: 08/02/2001 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AK63 Disease Associated with Exposure to Certain Herbicide Agents: Type 2 Diabetes STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/20/2001 COMPLETED: 05/02/2001 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AD02 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Requirements for Municipal Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems and Sanitary Sewer Overflows STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 03/31/2000 COMPLETED: 01/04/2001 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AB75 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, Arsenic, and Clarifications to Compliance and New Source Contaminants Monitoring STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/27/2000 COMPLETED: 01/10/2001 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AA94 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Radon-222 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 01/19/2001 COMPLETED: 02/16/2001 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AG67 Proposed National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Combustion Turbines STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/10/2000 COMPLETED: 02/14/2001 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AG63 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/30/2000 COMPLETED: 02/14/2001 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AG52 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Plywood and Composite Wood Products STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 10/17/2000 COMPLETED: 02/20/2001 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AH25 Consolidated Emissions Reporting Rule STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 01/12/2001 COMPLETED: 02/14/2001 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AJ00 Control of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) as a Gasoline Additive; Prohibition on Manufacture, Import, Sale, Storage, and Transportation STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 01/19/2001 COMPLETED: 02/14/2001 Withdrawn by agency
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AI11 Control of Emissions From Nonroad Large Spark-Ignition Engines and Recreational Engines (Marine and Land-Based) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/01/2001 COMPLETED: 09/14/2001 Deadline case
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-ZA11 National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone; Proposed Response to Remand STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 08/27/2001 COMPLETED: 10/25/2001 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AD38 Lead and Lead Compounds; Lowering of Reporting Thresholds; Community Right-to-Know Toxic Chemical Release Reporting STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) RECEIVED: 07/13/2000 COMPLETED: 01/08/2001 Consistent with change
EPA-OPPTS RIN: 2070-AC46 Ground Water Pesticide Management Plan Rule STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) RECEIVED: 09/13/2000 COMPLETED: 02/14/2001 Withdrawn by agency
FEMA RIN: 3067-AD06 Supplemental Property Acquisition and Elevation Assistance STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 12/04/2000 COMPLETED: 01/31/2001 Withdrawn by agency
FEMA RIN: 3067-AD12 Disaster Assistance: Cerro Grande Fire Assistance STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 02/22/2001 COMPLETED: 03/14/2001 Consistent with change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AD06 Supplemental Property Acquistion and Elevation Assistance STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/19/2001 COMPLETED: 05/21/2001 Consistent with change
OFHEO RIN: 2550-AA02 Risk-Based Capital STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 03/29/2001 COMPLETED: 07/16/2001 Consistent with change
OMB RIN: 0348-AB56 Regulation for Air Carrier Guarantee Loan Program STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/04/2001 COMPLETED: 10/05/2001 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE40 New Market Venture Capital Program STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 05/09/2001 COMPLETED: 05/09/2001 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE82 Disaster Loan Program STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/17/2001 COMPLETED: 10/17/2001 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE66 HUBZone Empowerment Contracting Program STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/14/2001 COMPLETED: 12/31/2001 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB01 Revised Medical Criteria for Determination of Disability, Musculoskeletal System and Related Criteria STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/14/2000 COMPLETED: 02/02/2001 Withdrawn by agency
SSA RIN: 0960-AF44 Redesigned Disability Claims Process STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 12/22/2000 COMPLETED: 01/11/2001 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AF13 Collection of the Title XVI Cross-Program Recovery STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 05/11/2001 COMPLETED: 07/18/2001 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AB01 Revised Medical Criteria for Determination of Disability Musculoskeletal System and Related Criteria (143F) STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 07/09/2001 COMPLETED: 10/05/2001 Withdrawn by agency
SSA RIN: 0960-AF28 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Impairments of the Digestive System STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/30/2001 COMPLETED: 10/26/2001 Withdrawn by agency
SSA RIN: 0960-AB01 Revised Medical Criteria for Determination of Disability, Musculoskeletal System and Related Criteria STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 10/23/2001 COMPLETED: 11/06/2001 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AF28 Revised Medical Criteria for Evaluating Impairments of the Digestive System STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/05/2001 COMPLETED: 11/06/2001 Consistent w/no change
FAR RIN: 9000-AI69 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 10/26/2000 COMPLETED: 01/10/2001 Deadline case
FAR RIN: 9000-AI96 Subcontracts (Labor Standards) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 11/24/2000 COMPLETED: 02/15/2001 Withdrawn by agency
FAR RIN: 9000-AI10 Electronic Commerce in Federal Procurement -- FAR Case 1997-304 STAGE: Interim Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/11/2001 COMPLETED: 05/10/2001 Consistent w/no change
FAR RIN: 9000-AI69 Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility -- FAR Case 1999-607 STAGE: Final Rule RECEIVED: 04/20/2001 COMPLETED: 04/23/2001 Consistent w/no change
FAR RIN: 9000-AI96 FAR Case 1999-605, Subcontracts (Labor Standards) STAGE: Proposed Rule RECEIVED: 07/31/2001 COMPLETED: 10/05/2001 Withdrawn by agency
The Budget Legislative Information Management Reform/GPRA Grants Management Financial Management Procurement Policy Information & Regulatory Policy