USDA-AgSEC RIN: 0503-AA20 Designation of Rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/17/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/13/2002 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG43 Farm Loan Programs Account Servicing Policies; Reduction of Amorized Shared Appreciation Recapture Amortization Rate STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/08/2002 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG33 Livestock Indemnity Program and Livestock Indemnity Program for Contract Growers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/16/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/01/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG20 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program Regulations for the 2001 and Succeeding Crop Years STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 01/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG47 Non-Recourse Cotton Loan and Loan Deficiency Payment Programs, Upland Cotton First Handler Marketing Certificate Program, and Seed Cotton Recourse Loan Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/2002 Consistent w/no change
USDA-FSA RIN: 0560-AG17 Lamb Meat Adjustment Assistance Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/27/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/13/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB25 Animal Welfare; Policy on Environment Enhancement for Nonhuman Primates STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/30/2002 Returned (reconsider)
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB30 Draft Action Plan for the Noxious Weeds Program -- APHIS Docket Number 01-034-1 STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/16/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB29 Animals Destroyed Because of Tuberculosis; Payment of Indemnity -- APHIS Docket No. 00-106-1 STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/13/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB35 Chronic Wasting Disease in Elk; Interstate Movement Restrictions and Payment of Indemnity -- APHIS Docket Number 00-108-1 STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/04/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB34 Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Pleuropneumonia, Rinderpest, and Certain Other Communiable Diseases of Livestock or Poultry; Payment of Indeminity STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/17/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/16/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB36 Payments for Dairy Cattle and Other Property Because of Tuberculosis STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/24/2002 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB39 Animal Welfare; Policy on Training and Handling of Potentially Dangerous Animals APHIS Docket No. 97-001-5 STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/09/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB37 Infectious Salmon Anemia; Payment of Indemnity APHIS Docket No.01-126-1 STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/02/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB45 Karnal Bunt Compensation STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/24/2002 Consistent w/no change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB24 Animal Welfare; Marine Mammals STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/21/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-APHIS RIN: 0579-AB40 Importation of Clementines From Spain -- APHIS Docket No. 02-023-2 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/26/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/21/2002 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FSIS RIN: 0583-AC88 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Current Thinking Paper; Notice of Availability STAGE: WHITE PAPER ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/28/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/15/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AC45 Work Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and the Food Stamp Provisions of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 11/16/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/2002 Withdrawn by agency
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AD26 National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and Child and Adult Care Food Program - Amendments to the Infant Meal Pattern STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AC45 Work Provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 and Food Stamp Provisions of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 02/26/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/09/2002 Consistent with change
USDA-FNS RIN: 0584-AC94 Child and Adult Care Food Program; Implementing Legislative Reforms To Strengthen Program Integrity STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AO51 Amendment 11 to Fishery Management Plan for Shrimp Fishery of Gulf of Mexico (FMP) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/30/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/14/2002 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AN75 Fisheries Off West Coast States and in the Western Pacific Pelagics Fisheries; Pelagic Longline Gear Restrictions, Seasonal Area Closure, and Other Sea Turtle Take Mitigation Measures STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/18/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AP78 Implementation of Restrictions Under the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan (FMP); Groundfish (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/11/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/16/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AP78 Implementation of Restrictions Under the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Management Plan (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/24/2002 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AP78 Implementation of Restrictions Under the Northeast Multispecies Fishery Managemnet Plan (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/30/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 05/01/2002 Deadline case
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AQ03 Designation of Critical Habitat for Gulf Sturgeon STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/29/2002 Consistent with change
DOC-NOAA RIN: 0648-AP78 Amendment to Regulations Governing the Northeast Multispecies Fishery To Bring Them Into Compliance With Court Order (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/29/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 05/30/2002 Deadline case
DOC-BIS RIN: 0694-AC42 Implementation of the Wassenaar Arrangement List of Dual-Use Item Revisions: Computers; and Revisions to License Exception CTP STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOC-BIS RIN: 0694-AC56 Revisions to License Exception CTP; Implementation of Presidential Announcement of January 2, 2002 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOD-COE RIN: 0710-ZA01 Reissue and Modification of Nationwide Permits STAGE: FINAL NATIONWIDE PER ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/28/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/04/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA68 TRICARE: Implemeting the Establishment of TRICARE Prime Remote for Active Duty Members (Final Rule) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/01/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA62 CHAMPUS/TRICARE: Partial Implementation of Pharmacy Benefits Programs; Implementation of National Defense Authorization Act Medical Benefits for Fiscal Year 2001 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 11/30/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA63 CHAMPUS: Implementation of the Pharmacy Benefits Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/30/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA61 CHAMPUS; Enhancement of Dental Benefits Under the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/04/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/23/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA64 CHAMPUS/TRICARE; Payments to Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospital Outpatient Departments and Emergency Departments and Adoting Medicare's Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics,... STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/04/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA59 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS); TRICARE Prime STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/05/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA69 Voluntary Disenrollment From the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/23/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA60 TRICARE; Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS); Bonus Payments in Medically Underserved Areas STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/03/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA67 Collection From Third-Party Payers of Reasonable Charges of Healthcare Services -- 32 CFR Part 220 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA71 TRICARE: Adoption of Medicare's Home Health Agency Prospective Payment System STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA70 CHAMPUS: Enurectic Devices, Breast Reconstructive Surgery, PFPWD Valid Authorization Period, Early Intervention Services STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA72 TRICARE: Waiver of Certain TRICARE Deductibles; Clarification of the TRICARE Prime Enrollment Period STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/10/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DODOASHA RIN: 0720-AA73 TRICARE: Sub-Acute Care Program; Uniform Skilled Nursing Facility Benefit; Home Health Care Benefit; Adopting Medicare Payment Methods for Skilled Nursing Facilities (Interim Final Rule) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 02/27/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-DARC RIN: 0750-AD57 Applicability of Competition Requirements to Purchase from a Required Source (DFARS Case 2002-D003) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/2002 Consistent with change
DOD-OS RIN: 0790-AG87 DoD Grant and Agreement Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/14/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/01/2002 Consistent w/no change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-ZA04 Notice of Proposed Application Requirements, Selection Criteria, and Application Process for the Local-Flex Program STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/12/2002 Consistent with change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-ZA05 Consolidated State Application Under Section 9302 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Consistent with change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-ZA06 Parental Information and Resource Centers Program STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/05/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/26/2002 Consistent with change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-ZA07 State Flexibility Program STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/05/2002 Consistent with change
ED-OESE RIN: 1810-AA92 Title I Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/01/2002 Consistent with change
ED-OCR RIN: 1870-AA11 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Program and Activities Receiving or Benefitting From Federal Financial Assistance STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/24/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/03/2002 Consistent with change
DOE-EE RIN: 1904-AA77 Energy Efficiency Standards for Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 01/03/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 01/31/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA02 New Animal Drug Approval Process; Implementation of Title I of the Generic Animal Drug and Patent Term Restoration Act (GADPTRA) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/08/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AB91 Requirements for Submission of Labeling for Human Prescription Drugs and Biologics in Electronic Format STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/14/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AC28 Institutional Review Boards: Requiring Sponsors and Investigators To Inform IRBs of Any Prior IRB Reviews STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/25/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AB94 Food Additives: Food Contact Substances Notification System STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/14/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AC05 Efficacy Evidence Needed for Products To Be Used Against Toxic Substances When Human Studies Are Unethical or Unfeasible STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/21/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AA61 Investigational New Drugs; Export Requirements for Unapproved New Drug Products (Proposed Rule) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-FDA RIN: 0910-AC36 Obtaining Timely Studies of and Adequate Pediatric Labeling for Human Drugs and Biologics STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-IHS RIN: 0917-AA05 Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 2000 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 10/26/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 01/24/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-IHS RIN: 0917-ZA08 Reimbursement Rates for Calendar Year 2002 STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/29/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/27/2002 Consistent w/no change
HHS-IHS RIN: 0917-AA05 Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 2000 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/13/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CDC RIN: 0920-AA05 Methods for Radiation Dose Reconstruction Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CDC RIN: 0920-AA05 Guidelines for Determining the Probability of Causation Under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-NIH RIN: 0925-AA19 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Contraception and Infertility Research Loan Repayment Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 01/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/02/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL32 Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Hospital Conditions of Participation; Clarification of the Regulatory Flexibility for Patient's Rights -- CMS-3018-N STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 11/27/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK90 Medicare Program: Modification to Managed Care Rules Based on Payment Provisions in BIPA and Technical Corrections -- CMS-1181-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/06/2002 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL18 Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Requirements for Paid Feeding Assistants in Long-Term Care Facilities -- CMS-2131-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/14/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/12/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL28 Medicare Program: Medicare-Endorsed Prescription Drug Discount Card Assistance Initiative STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/18/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/27/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL30 Medicare Program: Medicare-Endorsed Prescription Drug Discount Card Assistance Initiative for State Sponsors -- CMS-4032-NPR (ANPRM) STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/18/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/27/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK30 Medicare Programs: Fee Schedule for Payment of Ambulance Service and Revisions to the Physician's Certification Requirements for Coverage of Nonemergency Ambulance Services -- CM-1002-FC STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/20/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL05 Medicaid Program: Modification of the Medicaid Upper Payment Limit for Non-State, Government-Owned or -Operated Hospitals -- CMS-2134-P STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/16/2002 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL37 State Children's Health Insurance Programs; Eligibility for Prenatal Care for Unborn Children STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/26/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK50 Medicare Program: Payment for Upgraded Durable Medical Equipment; Withdrawal STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/25/2002 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL42 Medicare Program: Correcton of Certain Calendar Year 2002 Payment Rates Under the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and the Pro Rata Reduction on Transitional Pass-Through Payment STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/27/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/27/2002 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK69 Medicare Programs: Prospective Payment System for Long-Term Care Hospitals FY 2003 -- CM-1177-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/05/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/15/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK90 Medicare Program: Modifications to Managed Care Rules Based on Payment Provisions in BIPA and Technical Corrections -- CMS-4040-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/18/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/21/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL86 State and Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP); Redistribution and Continued Availability of Unexpended SCHIP Funds From the Appropriation for FY1999 -- CMS-2137-N STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/20/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/22/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AI59 Health Insurance Reform: National Standard Employer Identifier -- CMS-0047-F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/25/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/24/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK64 Health Insurance Reform: Modifications to Standards for Electronic Transactions and Code Sets -- CMB-003-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/25/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/2002 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AK76 Health Insurance Reform: Modification to Transactons and Code Set Standards for Electronic Transactions -- CMS-0005-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/25/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/2002 Consistent w/no change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-ZA32 Medicare Program: Solicitation for Proposals for Medicare Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Demonstrations in the Medicare+Choice Program Phase II-PPO Demonstration -- CMS-4042-N STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/11/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL20 Prospective Payment System and Consolidated Billing for Skilled Nursing Facilities; Update for FY 2003 -- CMS-1202-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/05/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/24/2002 Withdrawn by agency
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL55 Medicare Program: Notice of Modification of Beneficiary Assessment Requirements for Skilled Nursing Facilities STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/25/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/24/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-CMS RIN: 0938-AL23 Medicare Program: Changes to the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payments and Systems and FY 2003 Rates -- CMS-1203-P STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/26/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/02/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-HHSDM RIN: 0990-AA05 Administrative Wage Garnishment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-AB09 Medicare and Federal Health Care Programs: Fraud and Abuse; Revisions and Technical Corrections to 42 CFR Chapter V STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/06/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/2002 Consistent with change
HHS-OS RIN: 0991-AB14 Modifications to Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/13/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/19/2002 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AH48 Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards: Smoke Alarms -- FR-4552-F-01 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/10/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/06/2002 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AH62 Implementation of Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 -- FR-4665-P-01 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/2002 Consistent with change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AH81 FHA Appraiser Watch Initiative -- FR-4744-P-01 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/28/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/20/2002 Withdrawn by agency
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AH55 Tenant Participation in State-Financed, HUD-Assisted Housing Developments -- FR-4611-P-01 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/17/2002 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AH68 Retention of Section 236 Excess Income -- FR-4689-P-01 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/18/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/30/2002 Consistent w/no change
HUD-OH RIN: 2502-AH49 Nonprofit Organization Participation in Certain FHS Single-Family Activities; Placement and Removal Procedures -- FR-4585-F-02 STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/09/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/07/2002 Consistent w/no change
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AB78 Loan Guarantee for Indian Housing; Direct Guarantee Processing -- FR-4241-F-02 STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/27/2002 Consistent w/no change
HUD-PIH RIN: 2577-AC27 Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Program and Loan Guarantees for Native Hawaiian Housing Program -- FR-4668-I-01 STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOI-RB RIN: 1006-AA44 Tresspass on Reclamation Lands and Facilities; Public Conduct STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/12/2002 Consistent with change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AG71 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determinations of Whether Designation of Critical Habitat Is Prudent for 81 Plants and Proposed Designations for 76 Plants from Kauai and Niihau, HI STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/08/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AI22 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Critical Habitat for Five Carbonate Plants in San Bernardino Mountains in Southern California STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 01/31/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AI15 Listing Roswell Springsnail, Koster's Tryonia, Pecos Assiminea, Noel's Amphipod as Endangered With Critical Habitat STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 02/13/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AI30 Migratory Bird Hunting; Proposed 2002-03 Migratory Game Bird Hunting Regulations (Preliminary) With Requests for Indian Tribal Proposals STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 02/13/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH10 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determinations of Prudency and Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for Plant Species From the Island of Lanai, Hawaii STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 02/26/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH70 Endangered & Threatened Wildlife & Plants; Revised Determinations of Prudency & Proposed Designations of Critical Habitat for Plant SP From the Islands of Maui and Kahoolawe, Hawaii STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/03/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH01 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Kauai Cave Wolf Spider and the Kauai Cave Amphipod STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 03/27/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH08 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Revised Determinations of Prudency and Proposed Designations of Critical Habitat for Plant SP From the Island of Molokai, Hawaii STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/05/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH03 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Quino Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/15/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH07 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Critical Habitat for the San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/17/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/23/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AI55 Proposed Implementation Guidelines for Fiscal Year (FY) 2002 Landowner Incentive Program (Non-Tribal Portion) for States, Territories, and the District of Columbia STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/17/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/22/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AI56 Fiscal Year 2002 Private Stewardship Grants Program; Proposed Program Implementation STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/17/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/22/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH09 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for Five Plant Species From the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 05/14/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AI24 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Proposed Determinations of Prudency and Proposed Designations of Critical Habitat for Plan Species From the Island of Oahu, Hawaii STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AH02 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Determinations of Prudency and Proposed Designations of Critcal Habitat and Plant Species from the Island of Hawaii STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/03/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Deadline case
DOI-FWS RIN: 1018-AI23 Proposed Designation of Critical Habitat for the Gulf Sturgeon STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/24/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 05/24/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AD06 Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, John D. Rockefeller Memorial Parkway Winter Youth Regulation; Snowmobile Use STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/20/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 03/26/2002 Deadline case
DOI-NPS RIN: 1024-AD02 Assateague Island National Seashore, Personal Watercraft Use STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-LA RIN: 1105-AA57 Claims Under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2000 -- CIV-100 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 11/28/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 02/25/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-LA RIN: 1105-AA75 Claims Under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments of 2000: Technical Amendments; Expansion of Coverage to Uranium Mill Workers and Ore Transporters -- CIV-101 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/28/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 02/25/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-LA RIN: 1105-AA79 September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/06/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/06/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-LA RIN: 1105-AA80 Screening of Aliens and Other Designated Individuals Seeking Flight Training STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-LA RIN: 1105-AA80 Screening of Aliens and Other Designated Individuals Seeking Flight Training STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/28/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG19 New Classification for Victims of Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons Eligible for the T Nonimmigrant Status STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/20/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/22/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AF56 Authorizing Collection of Fee Levied on F, J, and M Nonimmigrant Classification Under Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), Public Law 104-208 STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AF97 Academic Honorarium for B Nonimmigrant Aliens STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/18/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AF20 Powers of the Attorney General To Authorize State or Local Enforcement Officers To Enforce Immigration Law During a Mass Influx of Aliens STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/24/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/26/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AB93 Termination of the Designation of Argentina as a Participant Under the Visa Waiver Program STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG46 Increasing Immigration User Fee at Ports-of-Entry From $6 to $7 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/26/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG43 Limiting the Period of Admission for B Nonimmigrant Aliens (Section 610 Review) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/05/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG47 Establishment of an Increase of $3 Immigration User Fee for Certain Commercial Vessel Passengers Previously Exempt STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/25/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/27/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG60 Requiring Change of Status From B to F-1 or M-1 Non-Iimmigrant Prior To Pursing a Course of Study STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/27/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/05/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AE82 Requiring Aliens Ordered Removed From the United States To Surrender to the Immigration and Naturalization Service for Removal STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/29/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/05/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG06 Adjustment of Status Under Legal Immigration Family Equity (LIVE) Act Legislation Provisions and LIFE Act Amendments Family Unity Provisions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/09/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG55 Retention and Reporting of Information for F, J, and M Nonimmigrants; Student and Exchange Visitor Information (SEVIS) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/05/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/07/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-INS RIN: 1115-AG67 Release of Information Regarding Immigration and Naturalization Service Detainees in Non-Federal Facilities STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/17/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/17/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOJ-DEA RIN: 1117-AA44 Implementation of the Methamphetamine Control Act; Regulation of Pseudoephedrine, Phenylpropanolamine, and Combination Ephedrine Drug Products; Reports of Certain Transactions to Nonregulated... STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/14/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/07/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-BOP RIN: 1120-AA23 Infectious Disease Management: Finalization of Interim Regulations STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/09/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOJ-BOP RIN: 1120-AB03 Infectious Disease Management: Voluntary and Involuntary Testing STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/21/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-EOIR RIN: 1125-AA36 Board of Immigration Appeals; Procedural Reforms To Improve Case Management STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/2002 Consistent with change
DOJ-EOIR RIN: 1125-AA38 Protective Orders in Immigration Administrative Proceedings STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/13/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/15/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AA66 Labor Certification Process for the Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States: Implementation of New System STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/21/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/19/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-ETA RIN: 1205-AB16 Indian and Native American Welfare-to-Work Grants Program -- 20 CFR Part 646 STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/31/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOL-PWBA RIN: 1210-ZA01 Class Exemtions for Cross Trades and Securities by Index and Model Driven Funds; Grant of Class Exemption STAGE: EXEMPTION ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/05/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-PWBA RIN: 1210-AA86 Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance Program (DFVC Program) Modification STAGE: ENFORCEMENT POLICY ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/08/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-PWBA RIN: 1210-ZA02 Proposed Class Exemption To Permit Certain Transactions Indentified in the Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program STAGE: EXEMPTION ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/27/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/15/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-PWBA RIN: 1210-AA76 Adoption of Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program STAGE: ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/27/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/15/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOL-PWBA RIN: 1210-AA54 Health Coverage Portability for Group Health Plans and Group Health Insurance Issuers (Final Rule); Health Coverage Portability for Group Health (Proposed Rule)... STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOL-PWBA RIN: 1210-AA71 Use of Electronic Communication and Recordkeeping Technologies by Employee Pension and Welfare Benefit Plans (Final Rules) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/05/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AB99 Procedures for Handling of Discrimination Complaints Under the Section 519 of the Wendal H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/20/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-OSHA RIN: 1218-AB88 Safety Standards for Signs, Signals, and Barricades STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/31/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-MSHA RIN: 1219-AA75 Electric Motor-Driven Mine Equipment and Accessories and High Voltage Longwell Equipment Standards for Underground Coal Mines STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/26/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-MSHA RIN: 1219-AB28 Diesel Particulate Matter Exposure of Underground Metal and Nonmental Miners STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOL-MSHA RIN: 1219-AA47 Hazard Communication STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-MSHA RIN: 1219-AB24 Measuring and Controlling Asbestos Exposure Limit STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/21/2002 Consistent with change
DOL-OASAM RIN: 1291-AA21 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age in Programs and Activities Receiving Federal Fiancial Assistance From the Department of Labor STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-OST RIN: 2105-AD06 Procedures for Compensation of Air Carriers STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/11/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-TSA RIN: 2110-AA02 Aviation Security Infrastructure Fees STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 02/11/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/13/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-TSA RIN: 2110-AA04 Security Programs for Aircraft With a Maximum Certificated Takeoff Weight of 12,500 Pounds or More STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 02/15/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOT-TSA RIN: 2110-AA03 Civil Aviation Security Rules STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/20/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AG21 Standards for Living Organisms in Ship's Ballast Water Discharged in U.S. Waters STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/30/2002 Withdrawn by agency
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AG21 Standards for Living Organisms in Ships' Ballast Water Discharged in U.S. Waters -- USCG-2001-10486 STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/28/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-USCG RIN: 2115-AF60 Salvage and Marine Firefighting Requirements; Vessel Response Plans for Oil -- USCG-1998-3417 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/02/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/25/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AH19 Certification of Pilots, Aircraft, and Repairmen for the Operation of Light Sport Aircraft STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/03/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AH56 Security Considerations in the Design of the Flightdeck on Transport Category Airplanes STAGE: EMERGENCY ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/09/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AH07 Flight Simulation Device Initial and Continuing Qualification and Use STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/19/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AH68 Reduce Vertical Separation Minimum in Domestic United States Airspace STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/12/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/03/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FAA RIN: 2120-AC84 Retrofit of Improved Seats in Air Carrier Transport Category Airplanes STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/14/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/2002 Returned (improper)
DOT-FMCSA RIN: 2126-AA33 Revision of Regulations and Application Form for Mexican-Domiciled Motor Carriers To Operate in U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FMCSA RIN: 2126-AA34 Application by Certain Mexican Motor Carriers To Operate Beyond U.S. Municipalities and Commercial Zones on the U.S.-Mexico Border STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FMCSA RIN: 2126-AA35 Safety Monitoring System and Compliance Initiative for Mexico-Domiciled Motor Carriers Operating in the United States STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FMCSA RIN: 2126-AA64 Certification of Safety Auditors, Safety Investigators, and Safety Inspectors STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FMCSA RIN: 2126-AA69 Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation; Certification of Compliance With Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-FMCSA RIN: 2126-AA59 New Entrant Safety Assurance Process STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 04/12/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/06/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI33 Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 02/12/2002 Returned (reconsider)
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI54 Federal Motor Vehicle Improved Tires Safety Standards STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI41 Automotive Fuel Economy Manufacturing Incentives for Dual Fuel Vehicles STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/19/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI68 Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard Model Year 2004 STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 01/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 01/17/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI70 Request for Comments: National Academy of Science Study and Future Fuel Economy Improvements, Model Years 2005-2010 STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 01/29/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/30/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI34 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Child Restraint Systems STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/26/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 04/08/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI68 Light Truck Average Fuel Economy Standard Model Year 2004 STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/29/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 03/29/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI83 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Child Restraint Systems; Side Impact Protection STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/02/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 04/19/2002 Consistent with change
DOT-NHTSA RIN: 2127-AI33 Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 05/28/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/29/2002 Consistent w/no change
DOT-FRA RIN: 2130-AB24 Regulations on Safety Integration Plans Governing Railroad Consolidation, Mergers, Acquisitions of Control, and Start-Up Operations STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/19/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK01 Compensated Work Therapy/Transitional Residences Program STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/16/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/23/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK91 Board of Veterans' Appeals: Obtaining Evidence and Curing Procedural Defects Without Remanding STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/19/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AH42 Evidence on File at Date of Death STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/26/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AJ86 Loan Guaranty: Advertising and Solicitation Disclosure Requirements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/11/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK64 Diseases Specific to Radiation-Exposed Veterans STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/11/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/17/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK05 Medication Prescribing Authority STAGE: Prerule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/04/2002 Withdrawn by agency
VA RIN: 2900-AK89 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 01/23/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK97 Time Limit for Requests for De Novo Review STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/05/2002 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AJ23 Information Collection Needed in VA's Flight Training Programs STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK66 Special Monthly Compensation for Women Veterans Who Lose a Breast as a Result of a Service-Connected Disability STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/06/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK84 Exculsion From Countable Income of Expenses Paid for Veteran's Last Illness Subsequent to Veteran's Death but Prior to Date of Death Pension Entitlement STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/21/2002 Consistent with change
VA RIN: 2900-AK87 Claims Based on Exposure to Ionizing Radiation STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/06/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AJ76 Policy Regarding Participation in National Practitioner Data Bank STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/16/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AL13 Fisher Houses and Other Temporary Lodging STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/23/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AI98 Board of Veterans' Appeals: Rules of Practice; Attorney Fee Matters STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AI95 Eligibility for Burial of Adult Children; Eligibility for Burial of Certain Filipino Veterans; Eligibility for Burial of Minor Children STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/09/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AK32 Medical Benefits Package; Copayments for Extended Care Services STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/23/2002 Consistent w/no change
VA RIN: 2900-AL11 Board of Veterans' Appeal Rules of Practice: Claim for Death Benefits by Survivor STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/29/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 04/01/2002 Consistent w/no change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AD56 Effluent Guidelines and Standards for the Meat Products Point Source Category (Revisions) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 01/28/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AD62 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System; Proposed Regulations To Establish Requirements for Large Cooling Water Intake Structures at Existing Power Generating Facilities STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 12/28/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 02/28/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AD42 Effluent Limitation Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Construction and Development Category STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 03/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 05/15/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AD67 Announcement of the Results of EPA's 6-year Review of Existing Drinking Water Standards and Request for Public Comment STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/15/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AD61 Announcement of Preliminary Regulatory Determinations for Priority Contaminants on the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List STAGE: Notice ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/04/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 04/19/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-WATER RIN: 2040-AD51 Final Revisions to the Clean Water Act Regulatory Definition of 'Fill Material' and 'Discharage of Fill Material' STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/02/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AE78 Gasification of Hazaradous Oil-Bearing Secondary Materials From the Petroleum Refining Industry To Produce Synethesis Gas Fuel STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/15/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AE52 Hazardous Waste Management System; Modification of the Hazardous Waste Program; Cathode Ray Tubes and Mercury-Containing Equipment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/21/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/13/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AE79 NESHAPS: Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Hazardous Waste Combustors STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 01/18/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AE79 NESHAPS: Standards for Hazaradous Air Pollutants for Hazardous Waste Combustors (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/09/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 01/18/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-SWER RIN: 2050-AE32 Paint Manufacturing Waste Listing; Hazardous Waste Management System: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/25/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Judicial COMPLETED: 03/12/2002 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AJ50 Revisions to Regional Haze Rule To Incorporate Sulfur Dioxide Milestones and Backstop Emissions Trading Program for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes Within the Geographic.. STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/29/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/22/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AJ90 Control of Emission from Spark Ignition Marine Vessels and Highway Motorcycles STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/16/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AJ62 Proposed rule for Compliance Program Fees for Light-Duty Vehicles and Engines; Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Engines; and Nonroad Engines and Motorcylces STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/22/2002 Consistent with change
EPA-AR RIN: 2060-AG12 Protection of Stratosheric Ozone; Listing of Substitutes in the Foam Sector STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: Statutory COMPLETED: 05/21/2002 Consistent w/no change
EPA-AdmO RIN: 2090-AA13 Regulatory Incentives for the National Environmental Achievement Track Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/21/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/23/2002 Consistent with change
EEOC RIN: 3046-AA57 Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/09/2002 Consistent with change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AD25 Disaster Assistance; Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/19/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/2002 Consistent with change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AD21 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 02/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/2002 Consistent with change
FEMA RIN: 3067-AD22 Hazard Mitigation Planning and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/15/2002 Consistent with change
GSA RIN: 3090-AH41 Internet GOV Domain STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/13/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/08/2002 Consistent with change
NARA RIN: 3095-AA93 National Historical Publications and Records Commission Grant Regulations STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/14/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/30/2002 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AB07 Nixon Presidential Materials; Reproduction STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/11/2002 Consistent w/no change
NARA RIN: 3095-AB02 Records Disposition STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/14/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/18/2002 Consistent w/no change
NSF RIN: 3145-AA39 Misconduct in Science and Engineering Regulations at 45 CFR Part 689 STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/06/2002 Consistent with change
OFHEO RIN: 2550-AA23 Risk-Based Capital (Final Rule) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/19/2002 Consistent with change
OFHEO RIN: 2550-AA20 Corporate Governance STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/09/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/29/2002 Consistent w/no change
OGE RIN: 3209-AA09 Interpretation, Exemptions, and Waiver Guidance Concerning 18 U.S.C. 208 'Acts Affecting a Personal Financial Interest' STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/02/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/12/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ47 Basic Pay for Employees of Temporary Organizations STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/04/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ53 Excepted Service: Schedule A Authority for Chinese, Japanese, and Hindu Interpreters STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/28/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/04/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AI19 Re-Employment Rights STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/07/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/18/2002 Withdrawn by agency
OPM RIN: 3206-AI28 Federal Employment Priority Consideration Program for Displaced Employees of the District of Columbia Employees Department of Corrections STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/31/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ14 Reduction-In-Force Retreat Rights STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ32 Career Transition Assistance for Surplus and Displaced Federal Employees STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/18/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ18 Placement Assistance and Reduction-In-Force Notices STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/29/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ57 Administratively Uncontrollable Overtime Pay STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/06/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ51 Absence and Leave: Use of Restored Annual Leave STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/06/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/26/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AI50 Firefighter Pay STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/08/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/25/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ48 Retention Allowances STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/09/2002 Withdrawn by agency
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ40 Cost-of-Living Allowances; Nonforeign Areas; Commissary/Exchange Rates; Survey Frequency; Gradual Reductions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ41 Cost-of-Living Allowances (Nonforeign Areas) Methodology Changes STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ56 Premium Pay Limitations STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/20/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/12/2002 Consistent with change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ55 Continuation of Eligibility for Certain Civil Service Benefits for Former Federal Employees of the Civilian Marksmanship Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/26/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/22/2002 Consistent w/no change
OPM RIN: 3206-AJ44 Pay for Administrative Appeals Judge Positions STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/01/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/30/2002 Consistent w/no change
PBGC RIN: 1212-AA35 PBGC Benefit Payments STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/11/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/28/2002 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE56 Size Standards; Inflation Adjustment STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 10/11/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 01/11/2002 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE84 Small Business Size Regulations; Petroleum Refineries STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 11/14/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/05/2002 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE65 The Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Assistance Program STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: Yes RECEIVED: 11/27/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/01/2002 Withdrawn by agency
SBA RIN: 3245-AE42 SBA Regulations: Size Standards for Programs of Other Agencies STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 12/17/2001 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/17/2002 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE78 Small Business Size Standards Testing Laboratories STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/10/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/01/2002 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE90 Small Businness Size Standards; Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/22/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 02/11/2002 Returned (reconsider)
SBA RIN: 3245-AE91 New Markets Venture Capital Program; Amendments STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/31/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/26/2002 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE93 Small Business Size Standards; Travel Agencies STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/2002 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE95 Small Business Size Standards; Travel Agencies STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/28/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/07/2002 Consistent with change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE93 Small Business Size Standard; Travel Agencies; Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/23/2002 Consistent w/no change
SBA RIN: 3245-AE95 Small Business Size Standard; Travel Agencies STAGE: Final Rule (N/C) ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 05/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/23/2002 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AF60 Determining Income Under the Supplemental Security Income Program Student Child Earned Income Exclusion -- 865F STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/16/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 03/01/2002 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AF43 Supplemental Security Income; Access to Information Held by Financial Institutions (Proposed Rules) STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 01/30/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/25/2002 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AE99 Technical Revisions to Medical Criteria for Determinations of Disability STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/15/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/15/2002 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AF20 Administrative Procedure for Imposing Penalities for False or Misleading Statements STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/21/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/19/2002 Consistent with change
SSA RIN: 0960-AE92 Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income; Collection of Overdue Program and Administrative Debts Using Administrative Wage Garnishment STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/06/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 04/22/2002 Withdrawn by agency
SSA RIN: 0960-AF53 Collection of Supplemental Security Income Over Payments From Special Benefits for Certain World War II Veterans (Final Rules) STAGE: Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 03/29/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Consistent w/no change
SSA RIN: 0960-AF37 Clarification of Rules Involving RFC Assessments; Clarification of Use of Vocational Experts and Other Sources at Step 4 of the Sequential Evaluation Process; Incorporation of 'Special Profile' STAGE: Proposed Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 04/03/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/28/2002 Consistent w/no change
CSOSA RIN: 3225-AA03 District of Columbia Sex Offender Registration STAGE: Interim Final Rule ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT: No RECEIVED: 02/19/2002 LEGAL DEADLINE: None COMPLETED: 05/16/2002 Consistent with change
The Budget Legislative Information Management Reform/GPRA Grants Management Financial Management Procurement Policy Information & Regulatory Policy