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President George W. Bush, joined by Mrs. Laura Bush, blows a whistle Monday, March 24, 2008 on the South Lawn of the White House, to officially start the festivities for the 2008 White House Easter Egg Roll. White House photo by Shealah Craighead
White House Easter Egg Roll: On Monday, March 24, the President and Mrs. Bush hosted the annual White House Easter Egg Roll from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the South Lawn of the White House. Click here to learn more
Barney Cam VI: Holiday in the Parks: Barney and Miss Beazley try to become Junior Park Rangers while decorating for Christmas at the White House. See the video here.
Learn more about the Junior Park Ranger program. Click here.
President and Mrs. Bush celebrate the holiday season with a Children's Holiday Reception on December 3, 2007. Check out the photos, speeches, and videos here.
In 2001, President Bush launched his White House Tee Ball Initiative in recognition of the role baseball has played in American history, and its importance as a tool for fostering spirit and teamwork among America's youth.
America's presidents have represented many states, held different occupations and faced difficult challenges. However, each president answered the same call--the call to serve the American people.
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America's presidents have represented many states, held different occupations and faced difficult challenges.
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This list represents only a sampling of the many excellent books for readers of all ages.
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