1996 |
Action |
March 1996 |
Iraqi security forces refuse UNSCOM teams access to five
sites designated for inspection. The teams enter the sites after delays
of up to 17 hours.
March 19, 1996 |
The Security Council issues a
presidential statement expressing its concern over Iraq's behavior,
which it terms "a clear violation of Iraq's obligations under relevant
resolutions." The council also demands that Iraq allow UNSCOM teams
immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access to all sites
designated for inspection (emphasis added).
March 27, 1996 |
Council Resolution 1051 approves the export/import monitoring mechanism
for Iraq and demands that Iraq meet unconditionally all its obligations
under the mechanism and cooperate fully with the Special Commission and
the director-general of the IAEA (emphasis added).
June 1996 |
Iraq denies UNSCOM teams access to sites under investigation for their
involvement in the "concealment mechanism" for proscribed items.
June 12, 1996 |
The Security Council adopts Resolution 1060, which terms
Iraq's actions a clear violation of the provisions of the council's
earlier resolutions. It also demands that Iraq grant "immediate and
unrestricted access" to all sites designated for inspection by UNSCOM
(emphasis added).
June 13, 1996 |
Despite the adoption of Resolution
1060, Iraq again denies access to another inspection team.
November 1996 |
Iraq blocks UNSCOM from removing remnants of missile engines for
in-depth analysis outside Iraq.