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A Progress Report on Fulfilling America's Promise to Americans with Disabilities

Chapter 3. Integrating Americans with Disabilities into the Workplace

Expanding Telecommuting

Telework is continuing to gain in popularity in both the private and public sectors. President Bush believes that the ability to telework increases available employment options for individuals with disabilities, and his New Freedom Initiative directs that activities be undertaken to promote the expansion of telework options.


Next Steps

Implementation of “Ticket to Work”

The Bush Administration vigorously promoted implementation of the landmark Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act (Ticket Act). Under the Ticket to Work program, eligible individuals receiving Social Security and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits due to disability or blindness receive a ticket that they may use to obtain vocational rehabilitation services, employment services, or other support services from an employment network or a State vocational rehabilitation agency of their choice. The Social Security Administration administers the Ticket to Work program.


Next Steps

Full Enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act

The President supports full enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but recognizes that more work needs to be done. Federal agencies, including the Department of Justice and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, enforce the ADA through complaint investigations and litigation. The New Freedom Initiative also calls upon agencies to develop new, innovative strategies to educate covered employers about the ADA and about the benefits of hiring qualified individuals with disabilities.


Next Steps

Promoting Understanding and Use of Tax Incentives

Various tax incentives, including the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, seek to promote the hiring and advancement of qualified individuals with disabilities. Unfortunately, many businesses are not fully aware of them. The New Freedom Initiative calls for increased outreach to business about these tax incentives.


Enhancing the Workforce Investment System

The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 requires the establishment of One-Stop Employment Centers throughout the country. Governed by Local Workforce Investment Boards comprised of business and community leaders, the One-Stop Centers provide a single source of information about a variety of Federal programs that provide employment and training services. The One-Stop Centers must be accessible and offer their services in a non-discriminatory way to individuals with disabilities.


Removing Disincentives to Work

Last year, approximately 5.85 million disabled workers received Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, and nearly four million working-age persons with disabilities received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Fewer than one half of one percent of these individuals ever join or re-enter the workforce. While SSDI and SSI benefits are essential for some individuals who, because of their disabilities, are unable to obtain gainful employment, the President is committed to removing disincentives to work that have long existed in the Social Security system and providing adequate supports for those wishing to move from the benefit rolls to work.


Promoting Best Practices

Promoting public and private sector best practices that work to enhance employment opportunities for people with disabilities works hand-in-hand with technical assistance efforts to foster integration of people with disabilities into the workplace.


Next Steps

Promoting the Federal Government as a Model Employer

The Administration takes seriously the Rehabilitation Act’s call for the Federal government to be a model employer of individuals with disabilities. In addition to efforts to promote compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, agencies have done or will do the following to further the hiring, retention, and advancement of qualified individuals with disabilities:


Reaching out to Individuals with Disabilities

Efforts to educate individuals with disabilities complement outreach efforts to businesses. A number of initiatives aimed at individuals who have either never worked before or who are seeking to return to work, help to inform potential employees of their rights and responsibilities as they seek employment with better informed employers.


Other Employment Related Activities

There are a number of other Administration activities that are expected to contribute to reducing the unacceptably high unemployment rate among individuals with disabilities.


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