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In Order by Date

18th Century
Martha Dandridge Custis Washington
Abigail Smith Adams

19th Century
Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson
Dolley Payne Todd Madison
Elizabeth Kortright Monroe
Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams
Rachel Donelson Jackson
Hannah Hoes Van Buren
Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison
Letitia Christian Tyler
Julia Gardiner Tyler
Sarah Childress Polk
Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor
Abigail Powers Fillmore
Jane Means Appleton Pierce
Harriet Lane
Mary Todd Lincoln
Eliza McCardle Johnson
Julia Dent Grant
Lucy Ware Webb Hayes
Lucretia Rudolph Garfield
Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur
Frances Folsom Cleveland
Caroline Lavina Scott Harrison
Frances Folsom Cleveland
Ida Saxton McKinley

20th Century
Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt
Helen Herron Taft
Ellen Louise Axson Wilson
Edith Bolling Galt Wilson
Florence Kling Harding
Grace Anna Goodhue Coolidge
Lou Henry Hoover
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Elizabeth Virginia Wallace Truman
Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy
Claudia Taylor Johnson
Patricia Ryan Nixon
Elizabeth Bloomer Ford
Rosalynn Smith Carter
Nancy Davis Reagan
Barbara Pierce Bush
Hillary Rodham Clinton

21st Century
Laura Welch Bush

The First Lady biographies presented here
are from the book The First Ladies
written by Margaret Brown Klapthor and
Allida Black (contributing author),
published by the White House Historical Association
with the cooperation of the
National Geographic Society.

Edith Roosevelt

Dolley Madison

Grace Coolidge

Edith Roosevelt was First Lady at the turn of the last century. She was married to Theodore Roosevelt and managed the White House while raising six children.

Which First Lady prevented a valuable painting of George Washington from being destroyed by British soldiers during the War of 1812?

Which First Lady was a former teacher of children with hearing impairments?


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