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Consumer Information

Published continuously since 1979, the Consumer Action Handbook is one of the most informative and popular consmer documents ever issued by the government. This 168-page guide is designed to help citizens find the best and most direct source for assistance with their consumer problems and questions. The Handbook offers tips on topics such as buying and leasing cars, protecting your privacy and yourself from fraud, and shopping from home. It also includes a sample complaint form that you can use as a guide for your own letter, fax or e-mail. The Handbook offers thousands of names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses for Better Business Bureaus, corporate consumer contacts and state, county and city government consumer protection offices. You can access the web edition of the Handbook instantly at and use the links provided to register your complaint directly.

At the Federal Citizen Information Center (, consumers can read the current Consumer Information Catalog and the full text of all the publications listed in it. Consumers can access additional information on a wide range of subjects by clicking on different topic headings. Hundreds of additional publications, the latest product recalls and scams. and updates of consumer news from various Federal agencies are also available. -- is a "one-stop" link to a broad range of federal information resources available online. It is designed so that you can locate information by category -- such as Food, Health, Product Safety, Your Money and Transportation. Each category has subcategories to direct you to areas within individual federal web sites containing related information.

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