IMPORTANT ALERT! We have been notified that the host of our on-line application must update their system beginning at midnight (EST) on Friday, January 26, 2007. The system will be unavailable until Sunday, January 28, 2007. |
Dear Applicant for the White House Fellows Program:
Please read the following important information:
We have been notified that the host of our on-line application must update their system beginning at midnight (EST) on Friday, January 26, 2007. The system will be unavailable until Sunday, January 28, 2007.
Because the Program application deadline is midnight on February 1, 2007 and this unexpected maintenance may inconvenience you, we want to provide additional options for the completion of your application.
Applicants at this time fall into three categories:
- Applicants who have finished the online application;
- Applicants who have not finished the online application;
- Applicants who have not started the online application process.
1. Applicants who have finished the online application:
If you have submitted the Administrative Data section of the application and have finished uploading your Resume Narratives (items 1 – 5), your Qualification Narratives (items 6- 10), and your 3- 5 Letters of Recommendation, then you do not need to take any action at this time.
2. Applicants who have not finished the online application:
If you are still in the process of completing your application, then this repair will affect you and you will need to take one of the following three courses of action.
1. Finish the application before the system maintenance takes place (midnight (EST), Friday, January 26, 2007); or
2. Wait until the system becomes available again on Sunday and then re-enter and re-submityour Administrative Data before uploading your documents; or
3. Submit the remaining application documents to our office through one of the following methods: via email to with your full name in the subject line or via express mail, postmarked no later than February 1, 2007 to
c/o O.P.M.
1900 E Street, NW, Room 2469,
Washington, DC 20415
Phone for express mail: (202) 606-2575
3. Applicants who have not started the online application process:
If you have not started the on-line application process at this time, we strongly suggest that you wait until after the system maintenance is completed on Sunday, January 28, 2007 to begin the on-line portion of the application process.
If you have questions concerning the system maintenance or the application process, please contact the White House Fellows office at 202-395-4522 during business hours, or contact David Glatt, after hours, at 757-441-6133 or
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
The White House Fellows Program Staff