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January 4, 2006
Ken Wainstein
My name is Ken Wainstein, and I'm the United States Attorney in the District of Columbia. I have served in law enforcement almost my whole career, both as a federal prosecutor and as an official at the Department of Justice and at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In these positions, I have seen first-hand the importance of the USA PATRIOT Act authorities to the agents, prosecutors and other officials who are on the front lines of our campaign against crime and terrorism. During this past year, I have also participated in the national dialogue about the USA PATRIOT Act and its authorities, and I have appreciated the honest concerns expressed by so many of our fellow citizens, both those supporting and those questioning certain of those provisions. That dialogue has succeeded in producing a piece of legislation that will both reauthorize and improve upon the vitally important authorities that were provided by the USA PATRIOT Act. I join the President in urging that this legislation be passed as soon as possible, so that my colleagues and I can continue to use those authorities in our effort to protect the country against terrorists and criminals. I appreciate this opportunity to communicate with you on this important topic. It is my hope that this online chat will both explain the reasons for my position and answer any questions that you may have. I trust that you will find the following answers helpful as you consider the debate surrounding reauthorization of the USA PATRIOT Act. Jeremy, from Copperas Cove, TX
writes: Ken Wainstein
You are also correct that there have been no verified abuses of the Act. In 2005 alone, Congress held 23 hearings with over 60 witnesses, received answers to hundreds of written questions, and held dozens of classified and unclassified briefings, and there have been seven civil liberties reports issued since 2001 by the DOJ Inspector General and countless forums. After all this, it is clear that the USA PATRIOT Act is a vital tool and that there has been not a single verified abuse of its provisions.
Michael, from Powell, TN
writes: Ken Wainstein For starters, the Act allows terrorism and espionage investigators to use the tools that have long been available to investigate organized crime and drug trafficking. For example, before the USA PATRIOT Act, courts could permit law enforcement to conduct electronic surveillance to investigate many ordinary, non-terrorism crimes, such as drug crimes, mail fraud, and passport fraud, and some — but not all — of the crimes that terrorists often commit. The Act enabled investigators to gather information when looking into the full range of terrorism-related crimes, including terrorism financing. The Act also equips federal agents with tools necessary to investigate sophisticated terrorists and spies who are trained to evade detection. For example, law enforcement investigators have long been able to use "roving wiretaps" — which apply to a particular suspect, not a particular phone or communications device — to investigate ordinary crimes, including drug offenses and racketeering. Because terrorists and spies are often trained to thwart surveillance by repeatedly changing phones and service providers, the Act authorized agents to seek court permission to use these “roving wiretaps” in intelligence investigations. The USA PATRIOT Act also empowered the government to better “connect the dots,” because it facilitated information sharing and cooperation among government agencies. The Act helped bring down major legal barriers that prevented the law enforcement, intelligence, and national defense communities from coordinating their work to protect the American people. Other provisions of the Act increased the penalties for those who commit terrorist crimes. The Act imposed tough new penalties on those who commit and support terrorist operations, both at home and abroad.
Most of the provisions of the Act are not set to expire, but as I think this discussion demonstrates, the sixteen that are set to expire include some of the most important.
Joel, from Superior, WI
writes: Ken Wainstein Jinesh, from Princeton, NJ
writes: Ken Wainstein You mention delayed notice — or “sneak-and-peek” — search warrants. These warrants are a longstanding tool available for decades in criminal investigations. The USA PATRIOT Act did not create this tool; it merely provided a uniform nationwide standard for authorizing them. As with all criminal search warrants, a federal judge can issue a delayed-notice search warrant only if the government makes the traditional showing of probable cause — that is, probable cause to believe that a crime has been or will be committed and that the property sought or seized constitutes evidence of that criminal offense. A delayed-notice warrant differs from an ordinary search warrant only in that the judge authorizes the officers executing the warrant to wait for a limited period before notifying the subject of the search, because immediate notice would cause one of several harms specified by law. In every case where the government executes a criminal search warrant — including those issued pursuant to the delayed-notification provision of the USA PATRIOT Act — the subject is told of the search. Delayed-notice search warrants are an invaluable in certain rare circumstances: The Department used delayed notice in less than 0.2% — that is, less than 1 in 500 — of all warrants authorized in the period of time between the enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act and January 31, 2005. There have been no verified abuses of this authority.
Delayed-notice warrants play a critical role in all types of investigations. Imagine a drug case where we receive reliable information that a shipment of narcotics from overseas has been stored in a particular warehouse and that members of the distribution network are scheduled to pick up the narcotics at some time in the near future. It is quite conceivable that agents will want to obtain a warrant authorizing them to search the warehouse and seize the drugs without notifying the warehouse owner for fear that he or she will warn the drug distributors and thereby foil the agents’ plans to arrest them when they arrive to pick up the narcotics. Similarly, one can imagine a terrorism case where agents are conducting surveillance of a suspect and have probable cause to believe that the suspect is planning a terrorist bombing and is storing bomb-making equipment in his basement. Under those circumstances, the agents may well want to obtain a search warrant to ascertain the existence of the equipment and learn more about the dimensions of the plot, but to do so without notifying the suspect so that they can continue to surveil him and identify any accomplices. These examples demonstrate the operational importance of the courts’ authority to permit the government to give delayed notice in appropriate circumstances.
Kate, from South Carolina
writes: Ken Wainstein
Extensive oversight of the use of USA PATRIOT Act authorities, including seven reports by the Department of Justice Inspector General, has demonstrated that there have been no abuses of the Act. Even so, the reauthorization bill that the House has passed and the President supports — but a minority of Senators has blocked — would add more than 30 new safeguards. These safeguards include more judicial review and oversight, more reporting to Congress, and two additional audits by the Department of Justice Inspector General.
Daniel, from Great Barrington, MA
writes: Ken Wainstein Jeff, from New Jersey
writes: Ken Wainstein In addition to these safeguards that are already in place, the reauthorization bill passed by House and supported by the President — but blocked by a minority of Senators — would add new safeguards. For example, National Security Letters have been the subject of a lot of public concern. The NSL statutes allow investigators to request (not order) specific types of information from limited categories of third parties such as communications providers. These authorities predated the USA PATRIOT Act, and section 505 of that Act, which modified the authorities, is not set to expire. But the reauthorization bill nonetheless would significantly amend these authorities to, among other things, make it explicit that these letters would no longer automatically be accompanied by a nondisclosure order, that recipients could challenge an NSL and any accompanying nondisclosure requirement in court, and that recipients could tell an attorney about the NSL in order to obtain legal advice. Similarly, the reauthorization bill would put new safeguards on section 215 (the popularly misnamed “library records” provision), including clarifying the appropriate standard for obtaining such an order, clarifying that a recipient may tell a lawyer and may challenge the order in court, and requiring high-level approval before an application is made to obtain certain sensitive records, such as bookstore or tax return records. The reauthorization bill would also require the Attorney General to develop and implement “minimization” procedures limiting the retention and dissemination of information obtained through section 215 orders. In short, the USA PATRIOT Act contains many safeguards, and the reauthorization bill pending in Congress would add many more.
Ken Wainstein |