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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 12, 2006

President Signs H.R. 3351 and S. 584

On Friday, May 12, 2006, the President signed into law:

H.R. 3351, the "Native American Technical Corrections Act of 2006," which modifies the Indian Financing Act; raises the cap on National Indian Gaming Commission fees; provides for the acceptance of State funds for the Mississippi Band of Choctaw; directs a land conveyance for the Prairie Island Indian Community in Minnesota; modifies the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Water Settlement Fund Act; and makes various other technical changes to statutes concerning Native Americans and Alaska Natives; and

S. 584, the "Betty Dick Residence Protection Act," which requires the Secretary of the Interior to allow the continued occupancy and use of certain land and improvements within Rocky Mountain National Park.

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