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Health involves Federal programs and activities to ensure and provide for the health and well being of the public. This includes the direct provision of health care services and immunizations as well as the monitoring and tracking of public health indicators for the detection of trends and identification of wide-spread illnesses/diseases. It also includes both earned and unearned health care benefit programs.

  • Access to Care

    Focuses on the access to appropriate care. This includes streamlining efforts to receive care; ensuring care is appropriate in terms of type, care, intensity, location and availability; providing seamless access to health knowledge, enrolling providers; performing eligibility determination, and managing patient movement.

  • Population Health Management and Consumer Safety

    Assesses health indicators and consumer products as a means to protect and promote the health of the general population. This includes monitoring of health, health planning, and health management of humans, animals, animal products, and plants, as well as tracking the spread of diseases and pests. Also includes evaluation of consumer products, drug, and foods to assess the potential risks and dangers; education of the consumer and the general population; and facilitation of health promotion and disease and injury prevention.

  • Health Care Administration

    Assures that federal health care resources are expended effectively to ensure quality, safety, and efficiency. This includes managing health care quality, cost, workload, utilization, and fraud/abuse efforts.

  • Health Care Delivery Services

    Provides and supports the delivery of health care to its beneficiaries. This includes assessing health status; planning health services; ensuring quality of services and continuity of care; and managing clinical information and documentation.

  • Health Care Research and Practitioner Education

    Fosters advancement in health discovery and knowledge. This includes developing new strategies to handle diseases; promoting health knowledge advancement; identifying new means for delivery of services, methods, decision models and practices; making strides in quality improvement; managing clinical trials and research quality; and providing practitioner education.