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Environmental Management includes all functions required to monitor the environment and weather, determine proper environmental standards and ensure their compliance, and address environmental hazards and contamination.

  • Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting

    Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting involves the observation and prediction of environmental conditions. This includes but is not limited to the monitoring and forecasting of water quality, water levels, ice sheets, air quality, regulated and non-regulated emissions, as well as the observation and prediction of weather patterns and conditions.

  • Environmental Remediation

    Environmental Remediation supports the immediate and long-term activities associated with the correcting and offsetting of environmental deficiencies or imbalances, including restoration activities.

  • Pollution Prevention and Control

    Pollution Prevention and Control includes activities associated with identifying appropriate pollution standards and controlling levels of harmful substances emitted into the soil, water and atmosphere from man-made sources. Environmental Mitigation projects are also included in this business line.