The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 4, 2008

Fact Sheet: The Strategic Framework Agreement and the Security Agreement with Iraq

     Fact sheet In Focus: Iraq

The United States and the government of Iraq have negotiated two historic agreements: a Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) that covers our overall political, economic, and security relationship with Iraq, and a Security Agreement – otherwise known as the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) – that implements our security relationship. 

The Success Of The Surge And The Courage Of The Iraqi People Set The Conditions For These Historic Negotiations

To Ensure That The Security Agreement Is Consistent With The Capacity Of Iraq's Security Forces, The Dates Included In This Agreement Were Discussed With The Iraqis, General Petraeus, And General Odierno – They Allow For The Continued Transition Of Security Responsibilities To The Iraqis

As we further transition security responsibilities to the Iraqi Security Forces, military commanders will continue to move U.S. combat forces out of major populated areas so that they are all out by June 30, 2009.

The Security Agreement Will Protect The United States And Our Troops And Incorporates The Visions Of An Independent And Bipartisan Commission

These Agreements Will Advance A Stable Iraq In The Heart Of The Middle East

The SFA And Security Agreement Are The Final Steps In Iraq's Request For Normalized Relations


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