The Constitution of the United States
Lynne Cheney, author, scholar and wife of Vice President Dick Cheney, celebrated the signing of the U.S. Constitution at the National Constitution Center on September 17. This year Mrs. Cheney and students from Philadelphia elementary schools commemorated Constitution Day just two blocks from Independence Hall, where the U.S. Constitution was signed 216 years ago. Students learned more about the Constitution and the founding fathers of our nation, including George Washington, Ben Franklin and other historical figures. You, too, can learn more about the Constitution through the links and games on this page.
Screen capture of the Constitution Day Video

Constitution Facts

Constitution Facts

Original Constitution

Bill of Rights

Amendments 11-27

Picture of Constitution

Proclamation by the President

Constitution Games

Constitution Quiz

Printable Constitution Word Scramble



Constitution Day Video at Vice President's house

Constitution Day Backgrounder

Mrs. Cheney Biography

2002 Constitution Day Photo Essay

2003 Constitution Day Photo Essay

image of constitution