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A Red, White and Blue Christmas

2008 Program Graphic

Croos Hall and Grand Foyer

Trees glistening with snow illuminate the Cross Hall and Grand Foyer. Supported by carved eagles, the 1938 Steinway is used for entertaining guests during White House events. The U.S. Marine Corps Band, "The President's Own," provides the music for these gatherings.

The red, white and blue hues that inspire this year's holiday theme were carefully selected for the American flag by our founding fathers in 1777. The colors of Old Glory have come to represent the ideals Americans hold dear. Red symbolizes bravery, white represents purity, and blue signifies perseverance and justice. Stars form a constellation and stripes are assembled like rays of light emanating from the sun.

These "broad stripes and bright stars" also served as the inspiration of our national anthem, penned in 1814 by Francis Scott Key.

During the holidays and throughout the year, Americans give thanks for the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces, who protect the "Red, White and Blue."

Guests have been welcomed for generations to see the White House holiday decorations. Your visit now makes you a part of America's history. May you and those you love have a joyful season filled with gratitude for the blessings of our great country.